(By loving words.)Opposite to the word "love" is not a word "love," but not the word "dormant."...... For women when she just wants to love, and then as a "key person" with whom she loved always. She wants you to pay attention and take care of her feelings so well because they make her feel good and feel in love even more........ So if sometimes touchy, or women to be fussy with you!!?, then that is because ..... She just needs love and attention from you to increase somewhat.But if you don't take care of .........., not attentive, not interested by the opinion that is nonsense, and annoying. It was born as a small space of love, and this space is ready to grow until you become distant and cold tea, which in the end.When you reach that day ...... ....... She is not touchy or whether to be fussy with you is that she does not love you, and. She will feel held back and not feel anything at all about everything that you........ He said ....... and opposite the word "love" is not a word "love," but not the word "dormant.".......... To you leave her to take care of themselves often one day .... She will get by itself without you when, and if, a woman strong enough to live without you. Then she would walk away ...... without backs back again.
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