At the age of 20 years ago has its training by having as his Preceptor. Tens of thousands of teacher as his karma WA Java David. The master AI as his capital Anuradhapura-satna David has named Bodhi, amirite? After training, then get out the meditation study. In WAT Thao SI bun rueang Chiang With the solar dynasty is a teacher to study singing with the township office, which is the Temple of meditation yaeng famous at that time for another 2 years and then to study with a teacher, BA, hundred. Wat Nong, a pig, another 2 years until he is capable of fully qualified, therefore, started out on to the winding ping River of thutngokwat into the mountainous region via district Li. Amphur HoD restored the DOI PHA koeng, which, as at the stuffing relics of the Buddha and then travel to study increased from Maha email ธังก lookin, Nakhon phrae. God exalted science you another one in Otaru.
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