1. the daily life in the everyday life of a particular individual will be required to communicate with themselves and communicate with others at any time, since the time of wake up, communicate with others, and that is. To listen to the radio, read newspapers from home to perform a daily mission to meet people and events, and plain, but it's possible to communicate at all times. The sender is not in a position, as the recipients of the substance. If we lack the knowledge or skills to communicate, it may cause operating faults on a daily mission. 2. social aspects Integration in society, both at the level of the family. Until the international community. There must be communication, understand the different stories. There is a process to make people willing to live in the present rules of the society. Transfer knowledge and arts and culture. 3. the advertising industry business product public relations, both within and outside the organization. Management, coordination, training employees to use the tools, technology, communications, etc., Business Affairs, industry, there must be communication to be successful. 4. the politics Activities, the politics will have to take all steps, such as communications, public relations work of the Government. Creating a better understanding with the people of the assignment order of service people. Solicitation, organization of law that will require the use of technical means of communication. 5. international politics, which must have a contact areas such as military trade. The making of treaties with the offices, etc. in different countries in international relations. There is a need to communicate with each other frequently. If the relevant knowledge and skills in order to communicate enough. He surely can build a good relationship.The benefits of communication.1. data storage and communication. The information store, which is in the form of an electronic signal. Can be stored in a log sheet with high density? The pad save one can save more than 1 million data characters for data communication. If the dial-up data, with the rate of 120 characters per second, 200 pages of information will be sent at the time 40 minutes without having to waste time repeating them in the input. 2. accuracy of information There is usually an electronic signal transmission by one point to another point from the digital. How to pick up, it will have to examine the data if the data is in error, it will have to recognize and try to find solutions, the information received is correct. It may be sent or if the error is not too much. Party may use their data to programs.3. the speed of work. Normally, the electrical signal will travel with the speed of light. Make use of computer to send data from one hemisphere to another, one hemisphere or find information from large databases. This can be done very fast speed will make the user comfortable especially like all the airline companies can find information of all flights quickly. Make hotel reservations airline seats can be done immediately.4. cost saving To connect the computers together as networks continue to send data or a copy of the cost price using good information. Compared to the other methods of delivery. Some people can send computer programs to each other via telephone lines.The duties of the communication.1. the sender's message is that to send the data. Message to the recipients of the substance through a channel called the media. If it is the only way to communicate with the sender acts the same, but if it is only postcolonial transmission communication 2 way.The sender of the message is sometimes. Sender of the message must have the skills to communicate. There are attitudes towards ourselves. ต่อเรื่องที่จะส่ง ต้องมีความรู้ในเนื้อหาที่จะส่งและอยู่ในระบบสังคมเดียวกับผู้รับก็จะทำให้การสื่อสารมีประสิทธิภาพ2. ข่าวสาร ในการะบวนการติดต่อสื่อสารก็มีความสำคัญ ข่าวสารที่ดีต้องแปลเป็นรหัส เพื่อสะดวกในการส่งการรับและตีความ เนื้อหาสารของสารและการจัดสารก็จะต้องทำให้การสื่อความหมายง่ายขึ้น3. สื่อหรือช่องทางในการรับสาร คือ ประสาทสัมผัสทั้งห้า คือ ตา หู จมูก ลิ้น และกายสัมผัสและตัวกลางที่มนุษย์สร้างขึ้นมา เช่น สิ่งพิมพ์ กราฟิก สื่ออิเลกทรอนิกส์4. ผู้รับสาร คือ ผู้ที่เป็นเป้าหมายของผู้ส่งสาร การสื่อสารจะมีประสิทธิภาพ ผู้รับสารจะต้องIn recognition, there is a point of view that the information. Per-sender and per itself.
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