First name occupation: Civil Engineer civil engineering Career definition: Others are professional people who plan and organize job tasks to create the road control. The bridge and tunnel facilities in various transport works on building construction, as well as the installation and maintenance of the hydraulic system and the sanitary monitoring and testing, making research and technical advice.Nature of work: 1. planning and control system of tunnel bridge, road construction, and facilities in the various transport. 2. work on the construction of buildings, as well as installation, use and maintenance of the hydraulic system. And other health systems. 3. consideration of the project, and work survey to find the most appropriate for the construction. 4. explore and assess the characteristics and the density of air traffic through land and water to determine what affect the project? 5. explore the surface and below the surface that will affect the construction and is suitable to accommodate construction. 6. consultation with specialists in other projects, such as the electrical engineering branch or mechanical engineer planning chart of the various pipes, electrical pipes, foundations and the ground so water count stress stress calculations. The effect due to the7. the strength of the wind and temperature. The other reason, ramp and 8. the preparation of the plan, report and make an estimate of the material and the estimated price. 9. Select the types of ground transportation tool. Pull the pulley machine Machinery and other tools that will be used in the construction. 10. make a table to control others and others to follow a map. Test and verify the structure of both old and new, as well as the planning and system repairs.
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