Wolf or wolf gray wolf is regarded as the largest family of wolves with it. Males weigh an average 43-45 kg (95-99 lb) of female weight. 36 to 38.5 kilograms (79-85 pounds) when fully grown to a length of 2 meters, it is a mammal. Looks like a dog Big bushy tail is narrow chest, long legs, paws, big blunt nails make walking on slippery areas as well. Special vessels and blood clotting can walk on the snow as well. Also, between the toes, have scent glands leave marks another wolf to smell it. Animals have joined the Fox family of hyenas, jackals, coyotes and dingoes. Wolves held the animal occupies a habit rather fierce intelligence is active hunt as a team. Have patience and courage and ability to fight well. Wolves live sparsely in Europe, North America, Asia and North Africa in the past 32 species, but the wolf was chased and decreased dramatically to just four remaining species is the gray wolf, red wolf. Siberian wolves and wolf fur neck
of the woods generalization
4.5-6 feet average height, average 26-32. Inches , weight 27-36 kg female , male 31-50 kg per litter of 4-6. The birth weight was 0.45 Kg of food, bison, elk, moose, buffalo, wild bird Weber gestation period of 63. Today breeding season from February to March behavior and appearance of the wolf hunting wolf hunting each to the masses. The herd will grow. Each hunting could not have grown in size effectively. Usually hunt in the daytime. The morning and afternoon. But there are times when hunting in the moonlit night. Dog in a tactical hunting two main types are : 1. To set out to hunt a herd. Wolves are walking by a row by one. Search for prey by smell. If you see his butt cooperation chased away. Most of the victims are living alone two. The ambush in the forest If wolves victims found living in groups. To split the crowd into two parts. The one lurking in the woods. Another part will go out to the victims, some frightened cattle. And wildly out of the crowd into a wolf. Another part is intercepted and then killing the victim, the victim, the larger will be surrounded by wolves every cause worry in self-defense. Wolves will attack the victim in the back and hip area, causing the victim to bite first and then into bite weak stomach. Before drilling eat the internal organs. Wolves can kill prey that weighs 50 kilograms within two minutes, so there is a very high performance in the hunt. Bull can do harm to the bear or tiger , wolf mating throughout the year. Females are pregnant for about nine weeks, usually give birth during the months from November to April of the previous eight ewes per ewe to find where an underground hole. Stone or rock shelter to care for the babies to be born again. While raising their young, if disturbed by humans or enemies will move to the new lung immediate threat. At the age of 3 months starting from the age of 5 months out of the hole to start the herd of prey, and at age 8 months to start hunting large.
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