Endless timeless the heavens of witnessed all the ages of man in a momentary twinkle of the whispers of eternity. The oldest. Story ever told is written in the stars. Long ago before men, have MEPT to the skyes he watched, them all wonder an expectation. For something was about to happen. Those resolve the dumps of a king make a Jupiter to the nuble witness the greatest, desires. At the king of planet to line with the king of stars regulars. It triple conjuction of such accuracy could only but ignite. The skys. In curiosly long enough to be seenby boor and to be fallow. Three times at past the star anoun seen to all creationa. New king born but just, any king more even a great king. But the king of king. Long ago all saw, his star but few dissent. Its meaning. To all his comming was weld in secrecy. But to thoughs well watched, and waited it cames no suprised.
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