1. savings for stability is to save money for an emergency spending is savings stored there when unexpected events that may occur, such as illness. Accidental fall. Car repairs, etc., this type of savings Act allows individuals living as usual. It is not boiling hot. When an unexpected event occurs.2. savings for retirement is to collect money to spend in retirement, the retirement income of people decreased. If this kind of savings, retirement life living with financial freedom, since the life must rely on others. In addition to the lack of freedom and a lack of self-esteem.3. the savings to invest in savings collectors to bring investment money to do business or invest in securities, such as investment in debt instruments. Equities or real estate purchase for resale, with the goal to provide more compensation than the interest earned from savings in the Bank, where savings of the phet individual more financial freedom without having to wait for income from work only in this way, a simple call that "Let us work to raise funds increased regeneration," he said.
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