Scythe wabum wart! Asia Te kha sculpture "Coco Mac". Shu point of sale, "the bastard".Mon, 2015-09-21 08:45Coconut water has become a part of the market, the market of interest again in one market. With health-care trend that began to noticeably in the past year. To start with the players in the beverage market, coconut water is land area, large playing. Mali and United FC that is 100% juice market, and there are also many small players, but with the new market just boom. Therefore, there is no clear market value figures."Coco maek (Cocomax)" is another brand that is caused by the "coconut juice company Asia Limited" Lake ... which is grown from the original manufacturer and exporter of coconut, including production (OEM) for more than 21 years, but Asia te see all khadai wat TU and moulding production process has its own private brand. There are currently three brand new brand: Coco, Coco coconut bang khonthi and Milky.Actually, Asian export markets emphasizing khadai dimension in foreign markets more. Have regional pilot Coco Mac in Singapore since 2005 and with other countries, including the United States, according to the Hong Kong Japan Australia came to Denmark and Finland? In the country of Thailand has been released when the 2014 make a proportion of revenue from exports are up to 50% and 50% in the country.“ณัฐพล วิสุทธิไกรสีห์” นักธุรกิจหนุ่มทายาทรุ่นที่ 2 ของเอเซียติคฯ ที่ได้ผันตัวเองจาก “สถาปนิก”มารับหน้าที่สืบต่อจากครอบครัว ในตำแหน่งกรรมการผู้จัดการ บริษัท เอเซียติค อุตสาหกรรมเกษตร จำกัด เล่าให้ฟังว่า “ตอนแรกก็กังวลในการออกโปรดักส์นี้ในประเทศเหมือนกัน เพราะในประเทศไทยหาดื่มน้ำมะพร้าวได้ง่าย ต่างจากในต่างประเทศพวกประเทศเมืองหนาวเขาหาดื่มยากเพราะไม่มีมะพร้าว แต่ก็พบว่ายังมีช่องว่างอยู่ ก่อนหน้านี้ในตลาดยังไม่มีน้ำมะพร้าว 100% เลย มีแต่น้ำมะพร้าวผสม อีกทั้งปัจจัยเรื่องความสะดวก บางทีคนอยากดื่มแต่หาดื่มยาก หรือวิธีการดื่มยากก็ยังมี ทำให้รู้ว่าสินค้าสำเร็จรูปมันยังตอบโจทย์เขาได้อยู่ ถือว่าตรงนี้ก็เป็นกำแพงที่สำคัญที่เราต้องก้าวข้ามให้ได้เหมือนกัน”That's still no ability to the arts to help in the design of plastic packages? There is a section in the overview of the brand.The country change. Communicating changeOf course, communication in foreign markets and in different countries. No story added that in his view foreign juice is drunk sake because there is a high mineral salt. He can drink is a Natural Sport Drink especially groups of girls playing sports, it's main focus on communications that contain what nutrients. What are the benefits for commercial communications are "Functional", he realized the benefits.But in Thailand, everyone familiar with the country, with coconut, coconut is a cold knows can Detox. Drinks and refreshments, communication and the media in the direction that the drink instead of fresh coconut juice at all and in volume 1 bastard communicate positively, "Emotional" with the word "balls to play with half a person's speech next to the mouth of the message as Thailand.But in the future when the alloy is known as Coco in the market. Communications in the country, Thailand, may be changed to a complex function onmak. Tat tattoo will take 1-2 years to build awareness of the brand under the marketing budget of 90 million.Fully integrated with business goals, coconutAfter that Asia was the focus of Martin kha coconut full business and created the brand of coconut water and coconut milk. A major goal for the future of the company is in the business of coconut ก้คือการ from upstream to downstream, or make it full of coconut. Introduction to food will be in the first."We have seen what one coconut, it is more than just a shell with coconut milk, coconut juice, coconut fiber coconut is also or, much more to come, it was useful. The goal that has been set for this year will be 4-5 different items, but also in the food business that is related to the coconut, but within 10 years will be full of coconut business. Interesting business, skin care and supplements, which are the subject of the future will have to make. "To expand markets and increase exports. This year, Coco is alloy export to the country of France. Poland, South Korea and Malaysia moreThe total income of target 2100 million. 15% revenue growth from Coco Mac accounted for 600 million. Divided into 300 million domestic and international 300 million.In this portion of revenue to hrw production or OEM is still at 85% and 15% of its own brand next year target revenue from OEM is reduced to 72%Asia Te kha sculpture "Coco Mac". Shu point of sale, "the bastard".-Emphasis on the communication by e-motion: the refreshing drink using the message as a "bastard."-Release of the first in Singapore and released in Thailand last year 2014.-Investing 800 million. Create a new factory for 3 years, and can accommodate up to 72 million bottles capacity/year.-Market statements of 90 million.-There will be another 2-3 drinks list new debut in the next year.-Target 10 years will be full of coconut from the food business to skin care and supplements.-The company's total revenue target 2100 million. Growth of 15%.-Target revenue of 600 billion Coco-alloy A 50% split, or 300 million and exports 50%, or 300 million.
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