"The root of thirty" is that it is a folk medicine because there are several properties like cure hemorrhoids. Helping to drive the air cure aches khran, strong and healthy for a woman with a very soft acid milieu to help resist bacteria.And fungi to kill the germs in the vagina and reduces odor and cure the symptoms of cystitis as well (Faculty of pharmacy, Mahidol University, 2554 (2011)) From past studies have shown that extracts from the root of thirty can inhibit the growth of microorganisms such as the study of Kumar et al., (2556 (2013)). study of Phytochemical and potential resistance bacteria of root thirty that affect respiratory disease. By studying together with the bacteria Haemophilus influenzae type 5: Pseudomonas aeruginosa MTCC, MTCC 3826 Staphylococcus aureus 2474, Streptococcus pneumoniae MTCC, MTCC 1144 Streptococcus pyogenes MTCC 422.655, by grinding dried root taken originated and the extraction solvent, but to verify the resistance of bacteria to extract active ingredients against vulnerable creatures. When analyzing the phytochemical in vegetable extracts as quickly as MeOH extract experiment is the best efficiency when compared to other bacteria, extract all 5 types, but from past research studies. The study found that about thirty in roots, inhibit the fungi have relatively less. Therefore, Permanent make up, so study the performance of the project root extract from thirty different solvent to inhibit the growth of some types of fungi are fungi which can cause the disease in people. Animals and plants in order to obtain important information for guiding in the thirty to develop roots to use as a drug or substance prevents the disease from fungi in the future.
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