The importance of tradition to parade birds
traditionally flock of birds. The tradition of the native provinces. Especially in Narathiwat This has traditionally been done for a long time. A tradition that is not related to religion. Not a public holiday tradition But occasionally held on the occasion. Festive fun Expresses about the initiative. In art and performances may be held in reverence. Devote Older adults should respect Or in a state guest reception Perhaps, in a ceremony held to celebrate the hadith. Also known as "Tomaso Jawi" or to contest held occasionally. Birds that make up for the parade, there are only four options
: 1. raven or crow's Eฆaa Susan Wait Sura assumed the bird was "Turquoise Bird" is a beautiful paradise bird and fly Sogetiimemฆ invention often decorated. A high crest split into four lobes native bird species called "bird carrying betel" because the head is like Bai Plu. And is made from a common bird. It is a bird paradise
2. Da Bird Group or resemble Garuda bird Garuda. It is believed that this species is a mystery. Who often ominous Often fall sick Currently, it's not a bird in the glorious flock
of birds 3. Bue Eฆaa sulfur or gold peacock resemble crested cormorants are waiting Eฆaa Wu extraordinarily beautiful. Thailand praised the Muslim Golden Peacock much. And do not consume meat It is a bird coat Artificial decorative bird serpent Yung gold. The decor is very exquisite, carefully take
fourth. Sea bird peacock bent or shaped like birds, Leo the Lion. The motto of this bird is a bird's head. But a lion Fanged mouth sesame prestigious moment in the tradition of the flock of birds in the flock of birds that have been held in various opportunities for conviviality. Or in a state guest reception of Narathiwat. The ceremony was held in random access, saving rituals of birds flock of birds flock traditionally assumed to have certain rituals such as the ritual prayer, according to superstition. To expel or eradicate disease, dispel sorrow. To put an end to happy. Progress strand of tradition to parade birds traditionally flock of birds, in addition to providing fun, but also a belief, love, unity and faith in the bond minds of those attending the ceremony to ward off evil, and it is. Traditional bird conservation remains a non-sequel.
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