Raw materials.1. meat, chocolate cake.2. Cherry3. jam4. butter5. White butter.6. the syrup7. chocolate FlakeHow to make the.1. Beat butter, fresh cream, starting from 150 grams to Fu first.2. put shortening into approximately 300 grams, then gradually, little by little into a syrup to melted butter with sai.Separated from each other.3. the room cream. When the stage decorations, tree frog part burns the top first and finishing.Divide the cake into three layers contents4. for the first layer cake, meat, cream down on the final finishing in a quantity that does not need much.Cherry jam5. apply a finishing layer cake, divide the top cake layer first is brought as class 2 and finishing cream provided throughout the.Cake, ice cream and chocolate flake, suitable for extensive side edge financially post recipes,6. squeeze the cream decorations, are chuk, and then paste the cherry cream onto the top of when a.7. sprinkle chocolate Flake tawai Middle cake and decorate with colored sugar or Pearl sugar Flake.So according to the likes
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