Starch to syrup conversion
To convert starch to, starch syrup the, in, suspended water is liquefied in the presence of. An enzyme to convert it into a low-dextrose solution. Another enzyme is added to continue the conversion process. At any. Time the enzyme treatment can be halted to produce the right mixture of sugars (like dextrose or maltose) for syrups to. Meet different needs In, some syrups.The conversion of starch to sugars is halted at an early stage to produce low-to-medium sweetness syrups. In others the,, Process is allowed to proceed until the syrup is nearly all dextrose. The syrup is refined in filters centrifuges and, ion-exchange. Columns and excess, water is evaporated. The syrups produced are sold directly crystallised into pure dextrose,,Or processed further to create high fructose corn syrup or crystalline fructose.
The corn is coarsely milled in the. Cracking mills to separate the germ from the rest of the components (including starch fibre and, gluten). Now in a form. Of slurry the corn, flows to the germ or 'cyclone' separators to separate out the corn germ.
The corn germ which contains,, About 85% of the corn ', s oilIs removed from the slurry and washed. It is then dried and sold for further processing to recover the oil.
The remaining. Slurry then leaves the separation step for fine grinding. After the, fine grinding which releases the starch and gluten. From, the fibre the slurry flows over fixed concave screens which catch the fibre but allow the starch and gluten to pass. Through.The starch-gluten suspension is sent to the starch separators.
The collected fibre is dried for use in animal feed.
Separating. The starch and gluten
The starch-gluten suspension passes through a centrifuge where the gluten which is, less dense than. Starch is easily, spun out.
The gluten is dried and used in animal feed.
The starch which still, has a small percentage. Of, protein remainingIs washed to remove the last traces of protein and leave a 99.5% pure starch. The starch can either be dried and sold as. Corn starch or it, can be modified to turn into, other products such as corn sweeteners corn syrups, dextrose and, fructose.
Corn. Wet milling
glucose production.
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