The U.S. Marine Transportation System moves people and goods via coastal and inland waterways. The diversity of the system s. ' Users is illustrated in this photograph of the Port, of Tacoma Washington where a, sea kayaker shares the water with a container. Vessel. (Container cranes and Mount Rainier are visible in the background.).The MTS is a complex and diverse national network, of waterways ports and intermodal, landside connections that allows. Various modes of water-based transportation. The system includes: navigable waterways (such as the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence. Seaway); publicly and privately owned commerce-carrying vessels; over 3 500 bulk, oil transfer facilities; more than 350 ports. Located at approximately 4 000 marine, terminals; about 40 000 kilometers, of navigable channels; more than 235 locks and. Dams at over 190 locations; shipyards; rail yards; vessel repair facilities over, recreational, 10 000 marinas; and a trained. Labor staff that operates and maintains the entire infrastructure. Users of the waterway system each year include 70 000 port,, Calls for commercial vessels 110 000 fishing vessels,,, 20 and million recreational vessels.
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