The Internet means a large computer network. With the connection between multiple networks worldwide network. Network users can communicate each other in many ways, such as email, forums, and can search for the information and information various, including copying files and programs are available.At present, the Internet influence to all professions, as well as the mass media. For mass communication is the need to focus on speed is the main keep up with สถานการณ์บ้านเมืองในปัจจุบัน. Because the information is updated constantly. Not useful, just this. It also can be used in the communication, advertising products trading, including public relations.Communication using the Internet nowadays is considered to communicate without borders. Have access to the target in large numbers for a fast and low cost. And the Internet is a medium that can respond to the needs of the mass media in ความต้องการดังกล่าว.
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