Invasion is more than twice the vocabulary has been added in a lot of old English. Them from the Danish Vikings Norway and Sweden Come and live in Britain for more than 1000 years ago, island. Subsequent invasions occur when the year 1066 by the people of France with Lord William (William the Conqueror) is a leader in the invasion. Classes cover dominate Norman (Norman), people have added the words in the English language such as the word parliament, jury, justic and much more related to the law came from the bump layer. Protect the people of Norman rule upon a time ago, several dozens different languages, age them together into. Experts have called the language occurs so that the English middle ages (Middle English), at the same time, in English. The middle ages are still sound, similar to German, starting off a new age sounds like English (Modern English). Chosoe (Chaucer), wrote poetry "The Canterbury Tales", written in English, the middle ages (Middle English) have been written in the late 13th century, used the language of the ruling class, not because of the ruling class in Britain, then still an island language, a language spoken in France came to them in the year 1066 King of Britain does not use the languages in use in modern Britain the island until the beginning of 14th century France the Norman language diminishes slowly and, until no appears. The English language has influenced the events that occurred in more than 1400 years ago. The Roman khatholik religions, they have begun trying to make Christianity a religion of Great Britain. The language that people use khat Alice khalao the Sun is the Latin language (Latin), the Latin-based languages the runes are not speaking the same language is used in different countries. In it, but it still is used in only some people. Latin as a language that is widely used among members in the Church (in the Lord or Bishop) from Rome, which is used to talk to God or a priest in the island of Britain. Those with advanced education from different countries can communicate using the Latin language. Latin very tremendous influence on nami Continue in English. The following are just a few examples, such as the term has become common as the discus in the English language, including the word disk, desk, and in Latin, the term has become a quiet "quietus in English, some in house plant names in the English language, such as ginger, cedar trees, which are derived from Latin and also have a certain word in a medical equipment, such as cancer, etc. In the English language, as the creature continues to grow in English began to grow quickly when Williams khaek (William Caxton) back to the island by Britain in the year 1476, he lives in Holland (Holland) and other areas of Europe, which is where he learned on the subject of printing. He returned to Britain with an island publication occurred for the first time, most of those publications can be purchased in the form of a book. Help make education and expanded English language widely and quickly. Then the expansion began to slow down during the 15th century English has become a modern language, one at a time, we probably have it. People who speak English in the 16th century in the past, it is the greatest writer he produces his work. Using the English he is the Williams Pier (William shakespeare), Czech plays of his have been published continuously. Led display in a cinema that can reflect the mood in character as the majority of 400 years after his death. Experts say that the work of the pier had written to Sheikh displayed on this forum is not read-only, not used enough. Every word spoken in the plays of reflections can be visually, and can cause a feeling of fear, anger and laughter. Plays of Shek Pier is Romeo and Julia (Romeo and Juliet), the suite is very sad. Make people cry when they see this story important plays. The story of Richard III King who thirst for power. It is plays is another well known of Shakespeare.การพัฒนาของภาษาอังกฤษเกิดขึ้นไปอีกก้าวหนึ่งแล้วการเสียชีวิตของเชคสเปียร์ เรือเล็ก ๆ 3 ลำจากบริติช ข้ามมหาสมุทร แอตแลนติก ในปี ค.ศ. 1607 พวกเขาได้จอดเรือเทียบท่าที่บริเวณซึ่งต่อมากลายเป็นรัฐ รัฐหนึ่งของอเมริกาตอนใต้ ชื่อเวอร์จิเนีย บริเวณนี้เริ่มเป็นอาณานิคมของอังกฤษเป็นเมืองแรกในบรรดาเมืองต่าง ๆ อาณานิคมเล็ก ๆ เมืองแรกอีกเมืองหนึ่ง ชื่อ เจมส์ทาวน์ (Jamestown) ในขณะนั้น ประชาชนที่อาศัยอยู่ในอาณานิคมเหล่านั้นเริ่มต้นเรียกพื้นที่แผ่นดินใหม่นี้โดยใช้ชื่อจากเจ้าของภาษาเดิมที่พวกเขาได้อาศัยอยู่ในที่นั้น ๆ ชื่อแม่น้ำสายสำคัญ ๆ ในอเมริกามาจากภาษาอเมริกันอินเดียน (อินเดียนแดง) เช่น the Mississippi, the Tennessee, the Missouri เป็นต้น In other words, many of the American language, including the word moccasin is a shoe made from a type of Indian villagers put the loan, or adding a Word from a foreign language in the English language to extend. 3 days 1 week day names as an example in this regard. The people worship the gods of the northern part of Europe by day 3 elements each week. Those are the gods of gods Odin God Thor and Odin the God Freya's – so that day has become a day that Thor's Wednesday-Thursday and has become a day that Freya's-has become a Friday in English. Uk (Britain), there was another city in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean Sea and the country India. English has become an integral part of the country, as these colonies. Currently, these colonies independent countries, but English is still the language of the English-speaking one, and they've grown up with the original language of the speaker (s) into English more English in the country. For example, a word that means Shampoo shampoo comes from India or the word Banana is believed to have come from the African countries. ผู้เชี่ยวชาญไม่สามารถอธิบายภาษาอังกฤษหลาย ๆ คำได้ เวลานับเป็นหลายร้อยปีมาแล้ว คำว่า dog ถูกเรียกว่า hound ซึ่งคำ คำนี้ยังคงมีใช้อยู่แต่ไม่เป็นที่นิยมเท่ากับคำว่า dog ผู้เชี่ยวชาญเหล่านั้นเองก็ไม่ทราบเช่นกันว่า คำว่า dog มาจากไหนหรือมีมาเมื่อไรที่ผู้พูดภาษาอังก
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..