10 tricks to make a good school
technique class: 1. man gifted students share a few tips first. Although we like to play games, read comics, sports, music, movies, shopping, etc. Just give us a break. When I play, play When I was learning classes I will play a few hours a day. But let's try to make time to study outside of the classroom in a day, 30 minutes, 1 hour is enough. (Saturday - Sunday was not required) to help leverage a simple but effective technique classes: 2. The review study well in advance - after classes. He heads to remember that this is not like lazy people remember less. (Heh heh Mr. tuition free himself with) simple tips. Read about 10-15 minutes before class read through a topic that is enough, today we will learn what I was reading through the cool fall again today that we learn nothing from day to day, it will be in. Remember to keep your head on your own. I do a lot of it will stick to the term, friendly and oh so comfortable learning techniques: 3. People do not learn procrastination , although many people do not know is that snowballs. I believe that everyone has. Or there are too snowballs Mr. tuition free for up to two months have been plastered over. It was very difficult to solve by snowballs. Sometimes it takes more than three times, some four times what I knew I do so I do not let the mask T_T 10 techniques to provide a good learning technique classes: 4 people excelled not to cram before exams this by two. closely ago If you leave the mask from the beginning until the end of term exams and the pressure reading ever before exams. It will not take many many subjects who had attended cram before exams would know better. (Mr. tuition-free, she never did) that it's the first reading. Read the first two chapters I read Doug forget Doug Lost Chapters two, three, etc. is called. Be forgetful In the example here, live together yet. Free Tutoring asked Mr. The first trick is? (Do not go back to read them) believe that the answer is not more than half think it is really a scientific reason that I support the human brain can remember stories better recognized by gradually taking gradually accumulate indefinitely. If I try to remember in the short term, it is not his head. Ein Stein size wise as well. I still remember a lot in a short time, not yet learning techniques: 5. the study well done our homework exercises , many students overlook the problems and exercises altogether. And then return to a focus on learning content. Or theories Many gravely The first has to do is exercise in the examination room itself. It's going to be done out of the exam room, it T_T I do not tormented. Good footballer like Messi. He has a secret hidden in aptitude that is, he takes a little theory. Get a few rounds is enough. Then use the remaining time to devote to training in the field. (Do practice measles) hard every day. If you want to learn good as Messi played the ball brilliantly. We have a lot of hard work into practice. ^^ technique classes: 6 classes mindmap I do learn from image to image small , it is a lot easier if we look at the overall relationship of the entire contents. What it involves Then there are some topics Each topic related, however, to make a mindmap that helped a lot. The key is made easy with Do not think it is difficult. Got a pen, paper I can do it myself, then 10 tricks to make a good school technical students who study well done 7. Conclusion / shot himself with a note made by or shocks to a virtual sticky note with a review and summary. own You will have a summary of a friend who knows, but the key is to do with their own versions. (Written summary of the conclusions of a friend or not) just do it like that already had reviewed the important thing is to read on their own by then. It will be recalled rather than reading a summary of many others. If the author concludes with a multi-colored pens. I love to draw. Some time in the exam room Recognized by Referrals We conclude that this is exactly what color pen. Draw anything to * take a step lecture course! >> Http://teen.mthai.com/education/40006.html << Technical College 8. Tutoring is a good school with a group of friends to take turns answering questions take turns reading one we sometimes overlook some important story. Swarming with my friend mug or alternatively asked before to make sure we have the part that we overlooked. Many point to Bangor Sometimes the answer before he asked the crowd for a few hours, it makes us remember what it was over, think again technical courses 9. confident in yourself. Do not think that I was not good at school I was not a taboo that's very important. Do not think for themselves, then they can not do it. Children do not have to study well the children do not like. But do not give up the hose attachments Technical College 10. excelled themselves enough sleep, enough to eat , many people think. This is a trick where excellently. But the fact that It is the ultimate trick The younger people from within Perfect body Eat Sleep will contribute to clear the brain as well. Brain cleared enough to sail a lot easier to remember anything faster than not you do not know well.
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