While the UK comprised of the forest biome, it receives a large portio การแปล - While the UK comprised of the forest biome, it receives a large portio แอฟริกา วิธีการพูด

While the UK comprised of the fores

While the UK comprised of the forest biome, it receives a large portion of rain every year, and often the skies are cloudy. Temperature is similar to that in the USA, typically staying between 12 and 95 degrees Fahrenheit depending on the season. The eastern part of the UK is considerably drier than the western, and the eastern half is protected better from the wet weather brought by the wind from the Atlantic Ocean. Currents from Atlantic Ocean bring un-harsh winters, specifically on the western side where the winters are wet. Southeast England has the warmest summers, because it is the closest to the European coast and mainland.
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ผลลัพธ์ (แอฟริกา) 1: [สำเนา]

Terwyl die Verenigde Koninkryk bestaan ​​uit die bos bioom, ontvang 'n groot gedeelte van die reën elke jaar, en dikwels die wolke is bewolk. Temperatuur is soortgelyk aan dié in die VSA, tipies bly tussen 12 en 95 grade Celsius, afhangende van die seisoen. Die oostelike deel van die Verenigde Koninkryk is aansienlik droër as die westelike en die oostelike helfte is beter uit die nat weer gebring deur die wind uit die Atlantiese Oseaan beskerm. Strome van Atlantiese Oseaan bring un-harde winters, spesifiek op die westelike kant waar die winters is nat. Suidoos-Engeland het die warmste somers, want dit is die naaste aan die Europese kus en die vasteland.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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