Imagine that you have an identical twin endowed with, the same brains and natural talents that you have.You 're both given. One week to come up with a creative new business-venture idea.Durind that week you come, up with ideas alone in your room.In. Contrast your, twin (1) likes with 10 people-including an, musician engineer a, stay-at-home, a dad and a desiner-about the venture, (2). Visits three innovative start-ups to observe what they do, (3) samples five "new to the market" product, (4) shows a prototype. He 's built to, five people and, (5) asks the questions "What if I tried this?" and "Why do you that?" at least 10 times each. Day during, these networking observing and experimenting, activities.Who do you bet will come up with the more innovative (and. Doable) idea?
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