1.) done is reduced 2 times per year.2-4 weeks), na 2 after harvest.3 bottom plow, weed), delete. In this way, it will help get rid of the weeds and then also use the weeds in the soil nourishment improvement too.4) leveling the area, smooth and uniform reduces the types of weeds down.5 water level control, flood).6) eliminate weeds of rice residue in by mule, plowing sprouts destroyed.7) copying a complete rice seeds, weeds and weeds have campsites.8.) changed the way rice is rice, black or yonkla na imprisoned water immediately.Within 5 days after 9) sowing rice, water level 5 cm in prisons in 30-45 days.10.) make cutting weeds and destroying Rice herself outside fields.11.) cleaning machinery before going to work in every time.12.) the fish or duck raising in rice field, it helps get rid of the weeds.
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