Includes vocabulary, English for lawyers -----------------------------------------------------------------Vocabulary. English for law students a week 1 (June 2, 2009)1.accurate is correct.2.prosecutors Attorney3.prosecution to prosecute4. lawyer, attorney-at-law5. judge/court/Court of justice6. senior judge justice home7. federal court/court trial court8. the court of appeal, the Court of appeal.9. supreme court Supreme Court10. international law in conflict with international law conflict.11. juristic act a legal act12. public order and tidiness of the public.13.branch legal branch14. criminal crimes15. punishment punishment, penalties16. dishonest fraud, not honest17. the judicial process regarding the process of legislation.18. court proceeding pending in the process.Collected by Ms. chama involves Sayid gulls invention (cotton)-------------------------------------------------------------Vocabulary. English for law week 2 (June 9, 2009)1. the domicile domiciliation2. any alleged offender accused3.convict who need to blame, conviction, punishment4.the accused accused, allegations5.judgment judgment6.lawsuit a lawsuit, suing7.actionable cases may be prosecution cases.8.compensate damage9.charge accusation10.defendent defendant:11. the plaintiff the plaintiff12. the fine penalty13. breach of promise, violated infringeUnlawful 14.legitimate15. liability liable16.imprison, prison incarceration17. jurisdiction jurisdiction18.contentious case law disputes19. the witness to testify20. local residence address21. a natural person (personal)22. assumed premed23. the application was requested.24. bailing bail25. denial denial26. explicit term27. definition, define a content index definition.28. includes includes29. all the rules below.30. the main principles.31.enforcing force32.traced traces33. the costoms and traditions and customary traditions.34. the emphasis, emphasize the importance35.solicitors legal counseling36. barristers can be called.Opps!, there are similar to the legal officer .35. Article 36.-like a lawyer of the Thai is a ticket Attorney.37. the ethics, culture, culture38. the accepted accepted.39 has been gaining.40. the independence freedomAs well as by Ms. descendants chama Sayid gulls invention (cotton)----------------------------------------------------------Vocabulary. English for legal professionals week 3 (June 16, 2009)1. witness witness2.evidence testimony.3. the evidence of witnesses for the hearing, to interrogate, listen to testimony.4. the trial courts, court of first Instance Court.5. Justice fairly, justly, fairly6. good faith, honesty faithfully7. without any partiality, without prejudice8. order commands9. plemary session, general Assembly meeting10. the court of appeal, the Court of appeals 1 region 1.11. the trial, witnesses for the consider12. the adjudication pending verdict.13. correctly by properly.14. solemn vow their interactions, yan15. kingdom Kingdom16. the regime of democracy17. the courts of justice, the Court of Justice.18. the judement decision, judgment19. review review20. legal issues legal code point21. the facts the facts22. the division departments.23. quorum, panal Board elements24. The supreme court of justice a criminal division for persons holding political positionsThe Supreme Court's Criminal Division for political office25. secret ballot secret ballot elections26. the President of the court of justice chief civil court civil.27. the chief justice of the supreme court, the President of the Supreme Court.President of the supreme court 28. The Judicial Commission, the Court of justice the Judiciary Committee. 29. the chief judge who headed phi unneeded courses.30. the municipal courts, the courts31. provincial courts provincial court32. The juvenile courts and family courts Juvanile and family.33. the law of three samduang derivatives law sals.34. the independent organization of independent organizations.35. speedily dispose, to manageCollected by Ms. chama involves Sayid gulls invention (cotton)----------------------------------------------------Vocabulary. English for legal professionals week 4 (June 23, 2009)1. civil procedure how to consider a civil2. a consist, composed, consisting of3. the basis of the rules, the rules.The civil trial 4.civil trial5. resolution conviction6. claims claims, prosecution7.criminal criminal case pending trial8. violation violatesLaw 9.substantive law legal substance.10. define define11. disputes disputes12. standards of proof, standard of proof13. beyond a reasonable doubt without any consideration of questions.14. the preponderance of weighing testimony.15. the jury adjudged16. the prosecution case suits17. the suspension ended, settled18. the negotiated negotiation19. arbitration arbitration20. initial startup21. a burden's burden to prove.22.legitimate by unlawful23.criminal criminal procedure, considering the way24. the enforced mandatory use25. the territory boundaries, boundaries26. impact, impact result27. the accusatorial and adversarial system of complaining28. guilt guilt29. liable liability30. how interrogate inquisitorial system.31. the investigation to investigation.32. an accusation charges33. Sue declaration lodged34. the presumption of innocence is assumed innocent errors.The democratic system system 35.democratic36. rule of law rule of law principle.37. doubt doubt38. the UN convention39. the court appointed attorney lawyer – ask40. dismiss raise the charge.41. in closing arguments the statement closed the case.42. the trial adjourns scroll43. unanimously as a unanimous44. the sentencing decision, sanctionsAs well as by Ms. descendants chama Sayid gulls invention (cotton)-------------------------------------------------------Vocabulary. English for law week 7 (July 14, 2009)Vocabulary [ Tort ]1. no unintentional intentional, careless2.Tort, breach infringed3. business tort abuse business.4. liability (n.) liability5.harm, damages, injury (n.) damage.6. negligence (n.) wanted to know.7. faults fault8. failure to abandon9. exercise use10. due care careful as necessary.11. foreseeable risk the risk that is visible.12.recover reparation, compensation.13. actual loss actual damage.14. reason caused15. the defenses arguments16. available (adj.) introduced.17. the contributory (adj.) theory about the faction be liable for.18. the assumption (n.) assumptions19. comparative negligence negligence comparison.20. the provided apply.21. abnormally malfunction22. prevent (v.) to prevent, discourage.23. assert claims24. the permit allowed.25. involving involving26. product liability product liability27. interfering intervention28. engaging (v.) to participate29. intentionally intentionally, willfully30. justification (n.) by love31. the act committed is guilty of.32. knowingly, willfully33. inducing (v.) solicitation34. the palming off sales, deceptive (v.) scam.35. accomplished (v.) success.36. the edge imitating.37. disclosing disclosures38. a distinction (n.) the difference39. confuse confused40. copyright all rights reserved.41. patent patent42. a trademark, trademark43. substitutes instead of44. contribute to promote45. prevention is better than cure prevent, better solutions.46. insure against fire fire insurance47. respectability, reliability48. the falsified as false.49. legal action (n.) the prosecution case.50. the consumer consumers customer,51. praised praise52. cheated was tricked, cheated.53. the underlying original work.54. the comprehensive cover55. the literary literature5.
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