Countries of Rae มิ่ตน้จากการ ปรบ้ Thailand-based national yellow restaurant Mon-Bismarck. Popular domain ส้วสัดกิร Governments between kin BA NA yakae I ตงั้, but the Royal couple of 2444, but the point is different from the Bismarck system is to provide benefits without monetary maki mathop flavor. To our ngak พฒั na sawasat very ย็ง past kirot incorporates a constant check of Bismarck-based activities such as relief teacher scholarships and teacher kiong private schools and fund guarantee system under the sangak s/s หลงัการพัฒนา. The appropriate compound สวสัดิกา ngak manen flavor, the new money is based on the สวสัดิกา section mopraphet รกัษาพยา ngak flavor Bismarck municipalities นัน้. WA country Thailand, said Dai, the new update «uk. By sawasat kiroknap พฒั na นื้ฐานแบบ thawon pages to be.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..