Not yetครับร่อconfirmจากyudoครับ ต้องreplace motor steamครับM/C24 we wait also... เดวได้scheduleแล้วinformationไห้นะครับ หากทราบ schedule แล้วจะแจ้งให้ทราบ
Not yet Sir's confirm from yudo lol.Need to replace motor M/C 24 steam lol.We also wait ... then to add schedule information wadai de!If a known schedule will be announced.
Not yet confirm that Apostle from yudo do not need to replace motor steam M / C24 also we wait ... that's not my idea schedule information, then you already know the schedule will be announced.
Not yet yes good confirm from YUDO.To replace motor steam, M / C24.We wait also... How can schedule and information crying.If you know schedule and will let you know.