In the air. Plastic production plant is often a source of chemical pollution is causing plenty of atmospheric
.PVC (# 3-PVC), which is used widely in food packaging and liquid of the play. Construction tools, plumbing and cosmetic raw material ranging from bathroom curtain will have toxic chemicals they a the phet (adipates) and East PA Lake suite. As large quantities These substances allows flexible PVC (plasticizer), and may have been relieved out of PVC when exposed to foods. The World Health Organization reported that the chemicals used in the production of PVC as a carcinogen. DEHP (di-2-ethylehexyl phthalate) for DEHP toy sculptor plasticizer used in PVC production. Organization of an APA (Environmental Protection Agency), which is the Organization of environmental surveillance in the United States. Poly, green satai (# 6-PS) Because the poly route, satai natham atmospheric pollution recycling and destroying ozone layer. In addition, food containers, foam roll satai category may release certain types of compounds that interfere with. The function of hormones and may cause cancer with
.Plastics in the Group 7-other, which often means # poly car bot NET might release Abu safi-arsenal (bisphenol-A, BPA), which is a precursor in the manufacture and supply of substances interfering with the hormones (hormone disrupter) and may have been relieved to food and beverage. The substance of this type are oestrogen-like properties. The research found that BPA And affect hormone levels in the blood. It also found that BPA has little resistance to insulin (insulin resistance), which leads to inflammation and heart disease.
.Therefore, it should not be taken to dispose of plastic waste in combination with waste that cannot be recycled, such as fresh waste. Waste can be incinerated garbage incineration is not a, but should remain separated by classification of plastic waste and clean up. Cleaning before disposal. Lol anyway, to reduce the environmental problems of the world
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