Zeatin riboside (ZR) was prominent cytokinin in the buds
of paclobutrazol untreated trees. In such trees, the component
cytokinins, zeatin (Z), ZR and dihydrozeatin riboside (DHZR) and
total cytokinin contents increased gradually in the buds from 30
days before flowering till bud break. Leaf cytokinins were
marginally influenced by paclobutrazol application. Both in the
paclobutrazol untreated and treated trees, the trends with respect
to different stages were similar, with cytokinin contents attaining
peak at bud break stage. The increases in cytokinins in buds as buds
approached bud break stage and induction in cytokinin contents by
paclobutrazol give strong evidence of a role of cytokinins in floral
induction in mango. Chen in lychee and Abdel Rahim et al.
and Chen in mango reported increase in cytokinin
at floral bud formation. The increase in cytokinins by paclobutrazol could be the either due to stimulated synthesis of cytokinins that are transported to shoots or arresting of cytokinin degradation and is suggested to act positively in floral bud
induction by regulating cell division process, as cytokinins are well
accepted stimulators of cell division. Further supportfor cytokinins
in floral bud formation is well supported by Chen through
external application of benzyl adenine resulting accelerated floral
bud formation in mango. The increase in ZR and DHZR exhibited positive relationship with w revealing their involvement in maintenance of plant water balance.
Zeatin riboside (ZR) was prominent cytokinin in the budsof paclobutrazol untreated trees. In such trees, the componentcytokinins, zeatin (Z), ZR and dihydrozeatin riboside (DHZR) andtotal cytokinin contents increased gradually in the buds from 30days before flowering till bud break. Leaf cytokinins weremarginally influenced by paclobutrazol application. Both in thepaclobutrazol untreated and treated trees, the trends with respectto different stages were similar, with cytokinin contents attainingpeak at bud break stage. The increases in cytokinins in buds as budsapproached bud break stage and induction in cytokinin contents bypaclobutrazol give strong evidence of a role of cytokinins in floralinduction in mango. Chen in lychee and Abdel Rahim et al.and Chen in mango reported increase in cytokininat floral bud formation. The increase in cytokinins by paclobutrazol could be the either due to stimulated synthesis of cytokinins that are transported to shoots or arresting of cytokinin degradation and is suggested to act positively in floral budinduction by regulating cell division process, as cytokinins are wellaccepted stimulators of cell division. Further supportfor cytokininsin floral bud formation is well supported by Chen throughexternal application of benzyl adenine resulting accelerated floralbud formation in mango. The increase in ZR and DHZR exhibited positive relationship with w revealing their involvement in maintenance of plant water balance.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

Zeatin Riboside (ZR) was prominent cytokinin in the buds
of Paclobutrazol untreated Trees. In such Trees, the Component
Cytokinins, zeatin (Z), and ZR Dihydrozeatin Riboside (DHZR) and
total cytokinin contents Increased gradually from buds in the 30
days before till Flowering Bud break. Leaf Cytokinins were
marginally influenced by Paclobutrazol Application. In both the
treated and untreated Paclobutrazol Trees, the Trends with respect
to different stages were similar, with cytokinin contents attaining
Peak break at Bud Stage. The increases in Cytokinins in buds as buds
break approached Bud Stage and in induction by cytokinin contents
Paclobutrazol give Evidence of a strong role in Cytokinins of floral
induction in Mango. Abdel Rahim et al in chen and Lychee.
Chen and Mango in reported increase in cytokinin
at floral Bud Formation. The increase in Cytokinins by Paclobutrazol could be the either Due to stimulated synthesis of Cytokinins that are transported to shoots or arresting of cytokinin degradation and is SUGGESTED to Act Positively in floral Bud
induction by regulating Cell Division Process, as Cytokinins are well
accepted stimulators of Cell. division. Further supportfor Cytokinins
in floral Bud Formation is well supported by Chen Through
Application of external benzyl adenine resulting accelerated floral
Bud Formation in Mango. The increase in ZR and DHZR exhibited positive relationship with w revealing their involvement in maintenance of plant water balance.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..