Later, when there is electricity. The communications revolution was raised by humans can communicate without the trip to find out. Do not hit the drums Do not send a smoke signal Do not use a speed horse. Do not use the pigeon doesn't need to send the letter. When the electricity has a remote communications, has developed a new technology-based saemmuan Morse, American scientists are the first to think of how new media sarotmai also by sending a signal to the line. He has set up to communicate by sending a flow of electricity along power line and beats of some long, some short term flows as rhythm and appointment to the receiving endpoint of each code means any letters. The signal format is called a "Telegraph" code used to send Morse code Telegraph called "", but later, due to the communication by telex is quite difficult and requires someone who is very experienced and trained a year will be able to send or receive messages.Variety. There was the invention of a machine to thonphim to send and receive Telegraph rather than people. This was based on the thonphim machine works just like the Telegraph, but the user does not need to have a code letter in the Telegraph with a thonphim sender, type the letter you want to send into the air thonphim. Thonphim machine will punch on Morse code, thaepkradat.
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