1. Behavior using smartphones.We have 24 visit rate, no one is more or less, but when smartphone as main ingredient, people can make us being over time. From reading the book goes a lot. People bring Smartphone work on the part of the entertainment more than reading books.The current book price too expensive to buy.This factor is controlled hard, because it is based on the market price mechanism of "paper" and labor cost, the Production of publishing days more expensive. , which may be why people read less and less. Because dare not buy books because book prices more expensive.No time to read.Most people in the city must work for a living, wake up early to work traffic stress to work, come home exhausted, just take time to sit. Drink, watch TV for fatigue is gone, the night time will take the time to read a book, or find a good book to read. When most people of the country to take this. Of course, the opportunity to approach the book very difficult.
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