.Biological technology (Biotechnology) knowledge or academic can bring creatures or creatures yield from use or to modify. And applied to use. We know the use of biotechnology for a long time, water fish.Food fermentation, fermentation liquor is a traditional biotechnology, as well as การปรับปรุงพันธุ์พืช animals to produce more and better quality. Or, the application of herbs to cure, and maintain your health.
.However at present, when referring to biotechnology. We often refers to modern technology. With many scientific disciplines to blend in the biology, chemistry, biochemistry and physics, and engineering, which can be called.The basic knowledge of related organisms used to benefit!
from academic articles for discussion on biotechnology for breeding farm shrimp farming and oil by Prof. veterinary medicineKriangsak poonsuk, Faculty of veterinary medicine, Chulalongkorn University, in the analysis of time 11 at Surat Thani Province, has said. Biotechnology means of principles or scientific studiesTo enhance the benefit the most. From the interpretation of the word BIO mean creatures TECHNOLOGY means science or how may a simple summary that biotechnology. Mean of science.
applications of biotechnology, there are several aspects such as
1.Biotechnology for agriculture is the development and improvement of plants By means of tissue culture and plant cells, trimming, genes, for example, tissue culture propagation for orchids.The development of the fruit to ripen slowly
.2. Biotechnology to food industry is to increase the value of production of food, for example, reducing the cholesterol content in egg yolk. The cattle and pigs add content
3.Biotechnology to environment is to reduce the use of chemicals that affects the environment. For example, the application of organic wastes to fertilizer or fertilizer production from organic matter.
.4.Biotechnology in medical technology for health, for example, vaccine production disease prevention. Production of monoclonal antibody to diagnosis, and healing. Using the technology of DNA genetic diseases.
.Biotechnology (Biotechnology) is the application of knowledge relating to the life to improve the quality of human life. With the increase in productivity. The development of the desired look to occur in living organisms.There are 3 how
.1 Selection hybrid
2.? Cloning and breeding from the cell
3.? The use of genetic engineering, hybrid
selectionThe selection of hybrid We use the selection methods combined with many different kinds of plants and animals, breeding activities. Often has a purpose, focus on increasing the value of plant or animal, with people such asMany varieties of fruits and vegetables has been mixed up with disease and insect resistance to disturb you. การคัดเลือกพันธุ์ mixed with 2 methods
1.Hybrid selection caused by mixing within the same species (inbreeding) made by the two creatures with the same set of alleles were similar to mix together.The goal in the mixing within the same species. Is to create varieties with special effects, especially to animals, such as when breeding horses run special together can create a fast horse breed purebred up.It is developed from mixing in the same species all
.Mixing in the same species has disadvantages as follows:
1. Mix in the same species to reduce your chances of your generation in order to get a new pair of mixed relay pair alleles
2.Mixing in the same species increases the chance for the creature inherited alleles. Which lead to genetic disorders, such as the unusual nature of much more hip several thousand species of dog
2.Hybrid selection caused by interbreeding (hybridization). A mating will bring creatures with different genetic elements mixed together.Such as mixing corn seed pods which as many as corn varieties which have high disease resistance The result could be corn hybrid This behavior is needed both
cloning or breeding from the cell
.Cloning (clone) means the creation of life. Without fertilization and gamete male and female. But the body cells to build up new creaturesCreatures from cloning gene in the same kinds of creatures, and breeding of the cloning, we can clone creatures both plants. Animals and other creatures!Cloning plants
methods used in cloning plant is
1. Cutting analysis and cut into small parts. กพืช power, such as leaves, stems, etc., which can cut out parts of new growth.
2.Tissue culture, using different parts of the plants, such as cells, organs, tissue and Protoplast in vitro synthesis condition, sterile Plants thrive again to meet the original breed in all respects.The orchid oil palm
figure shows tissue culture
how to clone animals, animal cloning action is more difficult than cloning plants. Because that would cut a piece from a cow.
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