From the past till now. Mobile phones have evolved continuously, which ended in karaek has the ability to call out and receive calls without a computer do not adhere with the airline, it is considered that phone use. And a capacity equivalent to the computer. Makes it possible to bring the operating system down to put in a phone call, and is the source of the phone call that Smart mouth stick Phone
SmartPhone is a phone that has the ability to call out and receive calls with the Smart Phone operating system inside make it works in the same way as a computer. When we buy a Smart Phone Newer operating systems such as Android, iOS, Windows mobile version, there are also programs that install comes with a number of handset. These programs are often referred to as "also", with both of which can be Download from free and subject to purchase penny. Smart Phone is the Internet, where there are currently many providers have different speed and a wide range of Internet applications, such as Wifi, EDGE/GPRS, a 3G
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