The characteristic symptoms of the disease and infection. Characteristics of the dried Brown and black fruiting bodies of groups nested multiple rings on the leaf area when cutting the area of, for example, the disease made the cut cross section and check under the microscope is found fruiting bodies (the pycnidium.)Plant & fungal groups found in pieces of the conidium. When fed on the food PAD at 28c when the soft look of white fibers connect the building portion of the pycnidia colony is the creation of spore mass of black features a phialide conidiophore clammy white transparent conidia. Oval shaped I found a thick wall with a germ slit Brown dark. 2.1. transplant infections The development of the symptoms of the disease after infection transplantation. It was found that onset show symptoms after 3 days after infection transplantation transplant infections.2.2 plant oil in, humidity storage box The development of the symptoms of the disease from plant infection. It was found that the symptom is displayed from the date of planting, after planting 2 infections in transplant infections by means of plant and fungal infections on eucalyptus cut amounts to keep the humidity box. It was found that two fuel plantations give way signs and symptoms the disease is clearly visible under the eucalyptus after 6 days after infection and the symptoms are similar to the cultivation of more than.
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