Conservation of tourist attractions. From the development and promotion of tourism within the past causes attraction in Ubon Ratchathani province have developed and support the tourism activity increases, as well as the facilities have been created to serve more travelers sometimes create effects to occur, unwittingly. An attraction is changed from the original. Some may cause irreparable and result from excessive tourism promotion potential of attraction that will be supported by nature and lack of planning, sustainable environmental management, with behavior that is awareness of tourists has caused the destruction of valuable resources, and as a catalyst to various tourist attractions. The degraded rapidly in both ecological and tourist environment Summary of environmental issues of tourist attractions. As follows: 1. environmental problems, natural attractions I found that the natural attractions, mainly the lack of planning. Delimitation and land utilization threshold appropriately, thus making development, especially the construction of the building with the appearance that doesn't blend in with teakwood terrain and is located adjacent to a natural source to obscure the views are as follows: -The construction of tourist service center building in the capital amid. In the National Park, Phu na yoi booking and the construction of the building. The floating panel, store room and WC. -Ground stone way into paintings PHA taem PHA taem National Park District in Ubon Ratchathani province -Tourist attractions such as water in the sand beach, beach, beach & South Temple Sri phirom Dua in the Mun River, I found that the plant construction food packages taken beautiful nature sights, as well as signs advertising clutter are mates and with the construction of the toilet was not hygienic conditions. Create a degraded, with tourist attractions. -For solid waste management in natural attractions found in every National Park District has deployed enough trash. To services for both business and leisure travelers, as well as an invitation to waste separation, reuse and dispose properly. However, there are also tourists who litter awareness medical waste has been particularly difficult for compostable plastic bags, aluminum cans, glass bottles, Which is common in restaurants, dining and attractions, including natural attractions with waste management issues, such as Dua, Bali Beach and beach Sri phirom? However, the problem Writing text inscriptions on rocks and trees make natural sights straight-line value. See generally, especially in every national park. 2. environmental issues category attractions, architecture and sculpture.Discovered that mawat alert! Ubon Ratchathani province which is a temple art, architecture, and the Northeast have distinctive signatures. Exquisitely beautiful, but at present has allowed private notification of events flea market items for sale every Wednesday, which is set to either sell Panel clutter is an issue surrounding a degenerate from waste: attractions. 3. the problem category tourist traces civilization. I found that most of the sites have been registered, but nevertheless, Some have not been maintained, including ben House Castle. Ubon Ratchathani province 4. environmental tourist places of meditation I found that visitors dress is inappropriate and not in the samruam symptoms. 5. environmental problems associated to the type of sights to the Indochina region. I found that the border area around Dan Chong MEK in Ubon Ratchathani. Deployed, panel products and shop area neat clutter and congestion. Lack of solid waste management and wastewater cause degraded conditions, even though the State will contains measures to move trader to trade center area that generates prepared. To be tidy, but it still can be done, in practice, the building, as well as building utilities. There is no useful, worthwhile. 6. environmental tourism category covering local cultural tradition.The Panel has found that sells items that clutter and lack of proper waste management. Most have difficulty scheduling time intervals. แนวโน้มของปัญหาทรัพยากรการท่องเที่ยว ได้รับการส่งเสริมและพัฒนาเพื่อรองรับอุตสาหกรรมการท่องเที่ยวในการสร้างรายได้ อย่างขาดความสมดุล เนื่องจากหน่วยงานที่เป็นผู้ดูแลจัดการสิ่งแวดล้อมแหล่งท่องเที่ยวตามกฎหมาย โดยเฉพาะองค์กรปกครองส่วนท้องถิ่นในระดับ อบต. ยังมีข้อจำกัดในการบริหารจัดการสิ่งแวดล้อมบริเวณแหล่งในพื้นที่ของตน ประกอบกับขาดการวางแผนจัดการสิ่งแวดล้อม และขาดการวางแผนกำหนดเขตการใช้ประโยชน์ที่ดินบริเวณแหล่งท่องเที่ยว จึงทำให้มีสิ่งก่อสร้างในพื้นที่ที่ควรสงวนรักษาการก่อสร้างใด ๆ และมีรูปลักษณ์ของสิ่งก่อสร้างที่ไม่กลมกลืนกับสภาพภูมิประเทศ อีกทั้งยังมีการปล่อยปละละเลยการบังคับใช้มาตรการทางกฎหมาย จนทำให้มีผู้ประกอบการได้ลุกล้ำพื้นที่แหล่งท่องเที่ยวจนกลายเป็นปัญหาบานปลายยุ่งยากในภายหลังที่จะรื้อถอน Tourists found that the lack of awareness on sustainable tourism, which has performed in such a way that it is destroyed, degraded and sights straight-line valuable archaeological, cultural and artistic sources. However, archaeological, cultural and artistic sources. In addition to dealing with the natural degeneration that was destroyed by the passage of time, and then all human action, direct and indirect, is another factor that makes the arts sources. Culture and archaeology has been breached.Source: Office of the environmental Department of the city 12.
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