I ask your help to speak and tell your employees, toms. The subject property. When he returned from the USA Now, the food is not good, Got cancer of the lung, his general, it may be the last chance, and then make his dreams come true at the end of life. He wants to be with Alex there. Although he could not be located for a long time. He just wants to make everything come true. Just like that. He loves so much, he lives in Alex, Alex, everything. Car, motorbike and cash money at home will receive from the insurance company after he left Alex Got all ownership wants to make life comfortable and Alex rich Got might not be up to today's life. If there is no love from Alex is good for ya Got it, Got there Alex wanted to live to fight pain, labour Got the most suffering with cancer but Got there Alex is an inspiration is inspired. Amateur takhaeng and via moments come cheap because Alex because Alex Got hear it makes amateur tatuen from sleep duration 8 days is important in the life of Alex Got in your eyes. As a child, brother, I may not, but everything has been going down amateur. It is love that has, with Alex, it may not be correct, but he did not do because they hate. He loves it so much more than Alex do you know and understand. I am sorry you and your company, and interference from amateur we have won't last as long time takhong just a few days. Today, Got out of the hospital because they rely on is the amount of blood coming out of the nose is very good. He was bleeding a lot and while he was bleeding. He is alone and not tell anyone, even Alex knew because he doesn't want to make anyone anxious and worried. He very much patience. Today he is back home. I ask you please, and feel sorry for him. Makes him happy to be together with the people he loves for the last time here, Got very good care of Alex matter and travel clothing, accommodation and food and cash to travel back to Alex, nothing is impossible.There's much more that you don't know, which is good from this boy. Hope you will understand and I find the reply. Thank you from the truth.
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