Basic knowledge of PowerPoint
applications Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007
Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft program. PowerPoint 2007 program is one of the Microsoft Office suitable
.Industry for the creation, presentation (Presentation) SA for Na applied in several categories, such as the presentation of information products and services. The paint Slide Show design brochures, etc.!Interface or screen program is the first thing to see the change of PowerPoint2007 clearly. Because of design refit is a new style. By considering the user as the core.Order, convenient, fast!
the difference between PowerPoint 2003 with PowerPoint 2007
ribbon is similar to the toolbar. We are familiar with in PowerPoint 2003 which is using a source
.SA for collecting Tools tab. In order to achieve agility in application. More work by pulling the talent from the menu คำสั่งที่ซ้อน it from the original version. To show in the form of the various instruments.
PowerPoint XP PowerPoint 2007 rules in designing slide page
in creating slides on each page. The user should have rules in the creation. Offer before
so as not to confuse the summary as follows:
1.Each slide should be subject to indicate what will explain
2 characters should use large. So that the audience can see clearly, and watch the
3. Should use price, the short, easy to understand and read to be interesting and intriguing
4.The topic of death should exceed the 8 line on one slide. Because if there is too much to the media 5 unclear
. Shouldn't Na picture as the background (Background) เพื่อจะ TA, difficult to read
6.Put pictures in a slide down should be used reasonably size is too big!
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