A wide range of additives are present in the food supply. While differ การแปล - A wide range of additives are present in the food supply. While differ แอฟริกา วิธีการพูด

A wide range of additives are prese

A wide range of additives are present in the food supply. While different types have different technological functions, such as imparting color, emulsifying, or stabilizing properties, it is incumbent on food regulators to ensure that they are safe for human consumption. The safety of food additives is assessed by a risk assessment. The risk assessment process comprises four stages: hazard identification, hazard characterization, exposure assessment, and risk characterization. Animal-based toxicology studies and food additive exposure assessments are integral parts of a food additive risk assessment. There are several types of toxicology studies suitable for use in a food additive risk assessment and there are international guidelines governing their use. The data derived from toxicology studies are used to derive an acceptable daily intake (ADI) of a food additive by employing a large safety (uncertainty) factor. The primary purpose of exposure assessments is to assess whether (intake) exposure to an additive is below its ADI for the ultimate protection of the consumer. Several methods of exposure assessment exist, ranging from crude screens to more refined techniques such as probabilistic modeling. Based on the results of a food additive risk assessment, risk managers decide on appropriate action to take, if any, in order to ensure consumer safety.
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ผลลัพธ์ (แอฟริกา) 1: [สำเนา]
'N Wye verskeidenheid van bymiddels is teenwoordig in die aanbod van voedsel. Terwyl verskillende tipes het verskillende tegnologiese funksies, soos oordra kleur, Proces, of stabiliseer eienskappe, is dit die plig van kos reguleerders om te verseker dat hulle veilig is vir menslike gebruik. Die veiligheid van voedsel bymiddels word beoordeel deur 'n risiko-assessering. Die risiko-ontleding proses bestaan ​​uit vier fases: gevaaridentifisering, gevaar karakterisering, assessering blootstelling en risiko karakterisering. Die diere toksikologie studies en additief blootstelling aanslae is 'n integrale deel van 'n additief risiko-assessering. Daar is verskeie tipes van toksikologie studies geskik vir gebruik in 'n additief risiko-evaluering en daar is internasionale riglyne regerende hul gebruik. Die data verkry uit toksikologie studies word gebruik om 'n aanvaarbare daaglikse inname (ADI) van 'n additief lei deur die gebruik van 'n groot veiligheid (onsekerheid) faktor. Die primêre doel van blootstelling aanslae is om te bepaal of (inname) blootstelling aan 'n toevoeging is onder sy ADI vir die uiteindelike beskerming van die verbruiker. Verskeie metodes van assessering blootstelling bestaan ​​nie, wat wissel van ru skerms om meer verfynde tegnieke soos probabilistiese modelle. Gebaseer op die resultate van 'n additief risiko-assessering, risiko bestuurders besluit oor gepaste optrede te neem, indien enige, ten einde verbruikers veiligheid te verseker.
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