• When we eat too much sugar. Especially sugar, honey, sugar, fruit sugar, milk, sugar enters the bloodstream quickly. The blood is too acidic. Body imbalance It has to extract minerals from the body. Within the body to correct imbalances
•. Cause fat Sugar is stored in the liver. Of glycogen But if there are too many The liver is then sent to the blood stream. And converted into fatty acids It accumulates in the body. With little movement, such as the abdomen, hips, buttocks, thighs
• If still eating sugar constantly. Fatty acids accumulate in other organs such as the heart, liver and kidneys, so these organs will be gradual. Be covered with grease and slime. The body will begin to malfunction Blood pressure rises
•. Eating too much sugar Affect brain function. Feeling drowsy gaping
• Chronic headache Time menstrual cramps, skin rash, blisters, ulcers, hemorrhoids, freckled, migraine, diabetes
, tuberculosis, heart disease, liver cancer, these relationships. With eating too much sugar
•. Brown made the symptoms of infectious disease is deteriorating. Because all organisms use sugar as food
•. Brown will affect adult. Also affect children. If the kids eat sugar In quantities too To make children as brittle bone disease and tooth decay and may be irritable. Not concentrate on what to do.
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