21. Word Part of speech Meaning Example sentence International adj Worldwide. International For international departures, go up one level. In terms of international arrivals up to a layer of jet lag noun Tiredness due to travelling through different time zones. Debility that. The trip I'm used to travelling now. My body does not suffer from jet lag anymore. Now I'm used to travel fatigue, the body no longer a G
22. Word Part of speech Meaning Example sentence land verb returning to the ground after being in the air. Landing We will be landing in Tokyo in approximately ten minutes. We landed at Tokyo in about 10 minutes, life vest, life jacket noun a. blow-up device that you put on in an emergency over water. lifejackets Please take a moment to locate the life vest under your seat. Please take a moment to make sure the life vest under your seat or
23. Word Part of speech Meaning Example sentence motion sickness noun a bad feeling in the stomach that passengers get during a rough ride. Sickness aircraft There is a paper bag in front of you in case you experience motion sickness. The paper bag for vomiting placed. in front of you overbooked more passengers than available seats. The number of passengers than seats available The flight is overbooked four of our passengers will have to wait for the next flight. The seat of this trip full of passengers, the other four had to wait around. to
24. Word Part of speech Meaning Example sentence overhead cabin / compartment noun Place above the seats for storing luggage. The luggage into overhead You'll have to put your bag under your seat because all of the overhead bins are full. You have to put in. under the chair because the input box above full, that over-sized baggage adj Items that do not fit in suitcases. Items that can not fit into a pocket or overweight Infant car seats and sporting equipment can be picked up at the over. -sized baggage counter. The counters are available for items such as strollers or sports equipment
25. Word Part of speech Meaning Example sentence oxygen mask noun a device that goes over a person's face, provides air in case of cabin air pressure loss. In the event of loss of air pressure suddenly, oxygen masks will drop down immediately Put your. oxygen mask on first before putting one on your child. mask oxygen to yourself before you put your child Passport noun document that proves a person's identification and nationality. Please have your passport out when you go through security. Prepare your passport ready.
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