Biometrics (Biometric) as bio-technology, which is a combination of bio-technology and medical computer technology, by measuring the physical characteristics (Physical Characteristics) and behavioral traits (Behaviors) that are characteristic of each individual, used to identify the person, and then bring those things to compare with features that are saved in previous databases. To distinguish this person from any other person, which is a physical feature of most of the people we will rarely change over time. While the human behaviour may change, whether it is a speech signed. Using the keyboard, which is classified as a person's behavioral attributes that can be changed by the passage of time and the person learning to prove a person by the use of physical characteristics. There are more than credibility. Another advantage of using this type of Biometric is user-friendly is the acceptance of the users and the risk of infection is low, because the organ does not have to be sensitive to infections (e.g. eye) with a device that is used to read the data. Examples of Biometrics, physical features used include fingerprints, Iris and pupil, palms face etc.
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