4. bang fai Saen
This type of fireballs as large fireballs. Contains more than 120 kg heavy gunpowder This large fireballs hardest will require special expertise. Because of the size difference, the fireballs to dangerous. When falling fireballs successfully to nineteenth fireballs adorn
5 with their fireballs. This type is the bang fai bang fai Chi Mr. big enough. With a length of about 9-12 inches ruprangklom with thin wooden circular baen cover head end of fireballs when up to the sky by diagonal
6. Bang fai tue
Bang fai tue or fireballs keep seat Treeshrew is a small short-tailed fireballs. How to make a bamboo cylinder 1 inch size cut in half length approx. 3 inches, about 2 inches of tightly compressed mue used three or four charcoal charcoal mue compressed tightly with wood Thiet. Lao is a small bar. Use the saw to cut the corners off until you see a small hole to be drilled mue, and then stick the fuse plug tail removal point to the podium set up enough. Ignite from the top to spin up and fling fireballs into the air. The tue Use the dots on the funeral From time to time, there are many dangerous spots rarely popular.
or fireballs. Fireballs fireworks as fireballs in popular festivals such as jobs, including job opening or kathina, sports, etc. as fireballs that point, causing the noise. In the past, popular spot in kathina to tell the news to the general public, the brothers know
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