The history and importance of the problem.Present medical progress makes the baby survived, and with chronic illnesses that require ongoing care, illnesses in children are often found in public health problems of many countries. Scientific and technological advances in medical science make a child sick with chronic rate as high as 90 percent survived (LoCasale-Crouch&Johnson, 2005) and with chronic illnesses that require more complex care. But at the same time, they are still not science can cure chronic diseases cured. Population of childhood are important to developing countries because it has to be the future of the nation, to step into a mature well into the future. Therefore, children who have normal or healthy children with health problems should be taken care to provide a better quality of life. With the development of both body, mind Emotional and social development from the year 2551 report found that children with chronic illness in the United States is a country of 4 million (Knafl, S. K, and the Chronic condition Santacroce family in Jackson AP; 2004), and the number of patients with chronic diseases, children are more likely to. By projected that within this 2558 (2015) The world will have a chronic disease in which the patient, children aged 5-14 years, more than 1.2 thousand million (Berntsson, Berg, and Hellstrom Brydolf, 2007) for patients in Thailand from the statistical information for the year 2550 b.e. patient's children 5-14 years with a disease, illness, and body parts and blood, including the creation of a.Immunity asthma 17029 list list 35518 tumor (including cancer) with a total of 9327 list heart disease but is origins, 2440 list diseases, HIV disease, knee ru matik 2195 list including heart disease that occurs later, 1796 and diabetes respectively (935 items, Office of policy and strategy. Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of public health. The Ministry of public health, 2551) for statistics of ramathibodi hospital 2548 (2005)-2550 (2007) Children are patients treated in hospitals increased from 4467 entries as a sequential list, and 4578 4599 (hospital information technology job information service unit. Ramathibodi hospital, 2551) From the reports, documents, notes, statistics, chronic illness of children aged 0-18 years, three top disease Pediatrics nursing. The hospital.
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