First you will, have to provide the proof. This could be statements bank, contracts loan, information or that is related. To those who may be paying for your education. It could also be any financial aid that you have from the government or university. As well. When you are providing proof of your, financial resources more is better. Give the Department of Immigration and. Citizenship as much information as you have; you can never have too much; you can always have too little. They will keep. All of your information safe and private during the process and will, not sell or provide it to third parties.Those who are looking atThe applicant 's previous financial and immigration history. This can include, passport history. Credit, statements and history bank, taxes.The employment history of the applicant or the employment history of the person providing them with financial, support. This is to ensure that the student will have consistent income and are reliable with employment and / or money.The source of the income used (such as cash assets or a bank loan). This is taken into so that the Department of Immigration. Knows exactly where the money is coming from and if that is a reliable source of income.If the person who is looking at the applicant sees that there may be some discrepancies or if they have any doubt that. The student will be able to provide for themselves then the, student will have to provide more information. This is why. You should provide more information upfront; the more information that you provide, to them the less of a chance that your. Visa application will be denied or delayed.Where can I find help?The International Student Department at your university will be able to help you determine whether or not you meet the. Required minimums. It could include applying for financial aid helping you, to secure work while in the country or dealing,, With your savings account or another type of loan. Contact them as soon as you 've been accepted so that you can start the. Process of being approved for a student visa.If you need more information on Australia 's proof of, financial resources please make sure to take a look at the student. Resource page available on the Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship website. They will have all of the resources. That you will need in order to determine your eligibility for a student visa.Your financial resources will take the following three factors into account when determining proof of financial resources.
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