Company logo (Thailand), Sasha, Lake co., Ltd is a company providing integrated logistics from Germany. Where to go to others in the study of DUTY REFUND section is comprised of a set of documents for filing request for replacement duty on shipments to abroad. The cause was found to be working without delay from the time to search for a relatively long time. Studies have used the concept of theory of ECRS as tools to improve the performance by using the S (SIMPLIFY) to make it easy. In order to use the form listed the outbound transport in order to reduce the length of time to search for a product and transport place, remove theory of VISUAL CONTROL to make a list to store the status label bong told the transport of goods by type of study results in the form listed the outbound cargo cover song for the team.Dakep can reduce the length of time to search for a document. And the outbound product prices to the account contains a set of documents for getting a replacement taxes 2.29 minutes/time series. After the update takes 1.45 minutes/batch duration decreased 1.24 min 36.68% and as/set, making it easier to find documents by using document sets Assembly period decreased. Easy to work and increase productivity.
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