The concept of best marketing combined for business services (Service Marketing Mix) Free sirioraron jewel (2541 (1998)), refers to the concept of best composition of the market for business services.(Service Mix) of Philip Kotler as a concept related to the business which will be best combined marketing. (The Marketing Mix) or 7Ps in determining marketing strategy which includes.1. the product (Product) is something which meet the needs and requirements of human beings is what vendors provide customers and the customer will receive the benefits and value of their products. Generally, the product is divided into two styles: the product may be tangible products that catch must not.2. the price (Price) refers to the value of the product in comparison to cash value (Value) of the service (Price) of the services if the customer price is higher than the value to the purchase decision. Service pricing should be appropriate for the level of service provided is clear and easy to identify the different service levels.3. the channel (Place) is an activity related to the environment in order to offer the service to customers, which can affect the perception of the customer in the value and benefits of the proposed services, which must be considered in the location (Location), and to offer services (Channels)4. the marketing promotion (Promotion) is one of the important tools to communicate to the user the service is aimed at informing news or directs an attitude and behavior. To use the service and the marketing of rapport is key.5. the person (People) or employees (Employee) who rely on the selection, training, motivating, so that they can create customer satisfaction has varied over the competitors is. Relationship between officials and service providers who use the services of the organization. Officials must be able to have the attitude to respond to service users. Has the initiative has the ability to solve problems can create a core value to the organization.6. the creation and presentation of the physical characteristics (Physical Evidence and Presentation) are created and presented to the customer, physical characteristics by trying to create the physical thread in overall quality and service model to create value to the customer. Whether it's the dress completely clean. Negotiations must be polite, gentle and fast services, or other benefits that customers should receive.7. the process (Process) is an activity related to the methodology and practice in the services offered to users to provide services quickly and makes it possible for a user with an impressive service.Tags: Kotler, Marketing Mix, marketing service, Business services, sirioraron, jewel, combined sections of free market.
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