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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Most of the time there is no.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Most no
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
1. Do you think I plan to spend the rest of my life in the same situation? I would rather die! (Monsarrat) 2. She could. Not help but feel a little choked for breath. (Dreiser) 3. Why not come down to my place? (Wilson) 4. He gave a quick grin. That made his lean twisted face look more lean and twisted than ever. (Priestley) 5. Ever since I came into this silly house. I have been made to look like a fool. (Shaw) 6. He did nothing from morning till night but wander at random. (Maugham) 7. I m. ' The cook and I, won 't have anyone come interfering in my kitchen. (Maugham) 8. Abe let the hammer drop out of his hands. And fall on the step. (Caldwell) 9. You 'd better take me back to Oxford. (Faulkner) 10. They ought to have asked my, advice. They ought to have. (Snow) 11. The poor boy was absolutely broken up. It made my heart bleed. I couldn 't let him go without. A word of comfort. (Maugham) 12. I 've got nothing to do, but talk talk. (Greene) 13. I would die sooner than ask him for. Another penny. (Shaw) 14. Your mother 's gone to some friends - they do nothing but play bridge. (Galsworthy) 15. I know...). There 's nobody in the world I would rather work with or have greater respect for. (Dreiser) 16. Conrad had never known her. Talk so much. (Greene) 17. But Elfride knew Mrs. Jethway to be her enemy and to, hate her. (Hardy) 18. Then why not try. To save yourself? (Shaw) 19. She opened the iron gateway and bade me enter. (Maugham) 20. You 'd better get some sleep. (Hemingway) 21. English. Women in our station have duties... But we strangers in, a, strange land have nothing to do but enjoy ourselves. (Maugham) 22. I. Want to look at him and hear him talk. (Heym) 23. The key of the door below was now heard in, the lock and the door was. Heard to open and close. (Dickens) 24. She felt herself to be tall and slim and fresh. (Murdoch) 25. I felt my blood, freeze. (Cain) 26. And if you say you gave me no encouragement I cannot but contradict you. (Hardy) 27. When she reached the front. Steps she heard, the taxi drive away. She turned around and watched the red tail-light disappear in the darkness. (Caldwell) 28. Tommy. Really does nothing but propose to me. (Wilde) 29. I thought that I had better try to speak openly myself. (Snow) 30. Arthur. Could not but glance at Daniel Doyce in the ensuing silence. (Dickens) 31. Why not write to her? (Hardy) 32. At first I. Tried. To. Excuse myself for present, the, the on general ground of having occupation to, attend to which I must not neglect.? I then said that I had much to learn myself before I could teach others. For, these reasons I thought it best to be as useful. As, I could and render what kind services I could to those about me: and try to let that circle of duty gradually expand. Itself. (Dickens).
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
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