Trade liberalization is the place.ิ่That is already familiar. Under the ASEAN free trade area, or AFTA (ASEAN Free.Trade Area), Reginaิ่MokIn the year 2535, over time, reduce the rate of customs duty continuously between the ASEAN member countries.Against natureื่In recent years, this bar and the original six ASEAN countries 2553: Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore Thailand.Indonesia and Brunei will have to reduce the tariff rates between 0% to the rest in the list List, while Inclusive suite.ี่4. countries are member countries of Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Viet Nam must sapop. over time, reducing the rate of customs duty.At 0% within the year 2558It is worth noting that the trade liberalization of ASEAN, Thailand's export multiple competitors.ASEAN as some items to a pageื่Arap with the intense competition adopted export products suiteี่ExpectedThe advantages from the liberalisation, there are several items such as corn, these rubber products and furniture on the market.Indonesia to propose anื้The finished car in apha furniture market, Malaysia etc. While some export items.35Need to adjust both the agricultural and industrial products such as cassava products. Plastic pigment fabricIndonesia natural rubber fabric market in the Philippines market, etc. By the way, in the adaptation of agricultural products.Include pageิ่Customer per farm, regardless of whether it is updating plants. The development of irrigation systems and the use ofTechnology helps to cultivate and keep the gateี่ยว, including the processing of raw materials (b)ั้Naton page.ื่The page value otrangMahai withAgriculture products. In the best of ways of industrial products. Entrepreneurs should be turnedCome to compete for quality rather than price competitiveness by applying creativity and innovation (Creativity &Innovation) products to meet the needs of consumers and society changed.However, it is worth noting that cause some of Thailand's export competitiveness. PartIs there a problem in practice, because that is a restriction on the use of the AFTA Agreement, such as the gate problem?ี่Especially the rules.On the origin Measures for non-tax trade (NTBs) know about.Some countries continue to protect manufacturers inIntegrated suite.ั้The operators of Thailand gives lack of knowledge and understanding of เกี่.Especially AFTA Agreement, whichA problem that must be corrected in order to accelerate the AFTA.The liberalization, even though Singapore has the potential in the highest in ASEAN and the service seems to be very useful.From the liberalization, especially in telecommunications and computers to air freight and logistics.The logistics that the Singapore suiteั้Ngathang the different structure.Nathan and modern technology over fitted so donnaiASEAN integration suiteNgathai. However, Thailand has a high potential in serving in some particular branch to branch.Surf hotelี่ยว (Hospitality) that Thailand has a number of strengths the whole location, a variety of tourist hotel.ี่ยว andService suiteThe friendly people of ThailandImpress tourists hotelี่Yawachao from abroad as well, includingMedical and health services branch, Thailand has strengths not only standard suite.Accepted internationally.But there are also advantages the pricing suite.It is not too high (much lower than Singapore) as well as a medical service.Several Medical Care (medical treatment), Health Care (health care, Suite-photo service.The Interior).Aging Care (elderly care) and Beauty Care (beauty) Dangon Xuan is a business services suite.ThailandTo benefit from liberalization sectorsInvestment liberalization, which will b.ึ้Final full year 2558 Grill will make direct investments from the country.ASEAN. page dommak and khuen of Thailand in the opportunity to expand their production bases or bases.An อื่ productionNa in ASEAN with abundant resources, particularly in agriculture, and entrepreneurs.Agriculture food processing total mine construction suiteั้Ngaphak production systemื่T investors, Thailand has to do.ี่YawachanThe liberalization sejoursื่Skilled labour, which is an issue onyai interesting especially looking at nature.Ongchak liberalizationIt may make a strong move from the ASEAN countries, crafts with low compensation (countries in the Mekong.Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand), including to the countries with higher labor costs and the widespread use of English.Such as Singapore and Malaysia, where the resinWorried that the strong liberalization mapen crafts they make ghost hands labor.36In some branches of Thailand's move to work in Malaysia and Singapore, especially medical and engineering branch. In effect, inThe future, Thailand, skilled labour shortages that are at the forefront in developing countries in the next phase. In addition, in the periodLength if expand cooperation as ASEAN + 3 or ASEAN + 6, there is a strong possibility that the craft in.Some branches such as IT, finance, banking, including from existing.ี้To compete for the job, and more personnel, Thailand.The financial liberalization Currently, there are no details of the liberalisation that is clear, but it has been agreed in เบื้.Ongton saidTo accelerate the development of the capital market-sharing, leading to the integration of capital markets in ASEAN, and allowing the sejours.ื่OnyaiFunding by the more liberal, but I still have to take one soon.ึ่Ngakon is resin.ิ่Mahen is concrete.The ASEAN economic community that is going to happen b.ึ้Final Grill full year sales point becomes 2558YonsamkhanThailand in all aspects of the economy and trade, commercial services, sejours.ื่Onyai, investment, labor, and capital, all mountain.ี้Under the agreement, AEC tend suiteThailand is facing a trade with countries in the region more. With market gardens.Primary reิ่Now they want to dopthabat down suite.The liberalisation will result in fierce competition in the sectors which are.Aid and development page.ิ่Mopthabat of service sectors to take part in driving sejours.ื่More onsensotkit Thailand In the section of theIndustry ทThailand เริ่Will lose the competitiveness they need suite?ี่He will have to move their production bases to the.Country อื่Particular country, เพื่ naOnban page.ื่Araksa the competitiveness using the openInvestment liberalisation under the AEC framework for sejoursื่Teaching
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