Mr Chalerm chai si light of the Ministry of Labor, an interview on August 31, social security office (สปส.) Prepare for increased benefits to the insured in their stories as follows:
6 1. Add the value at a time. From bare 12,000 Baht to 13,000 Baht
2. financial aid for each child from 350 Baht 400 Baht a
3. dental at a time from 250 baht per year is not more than 2 times or 500 Baht 300 Baht per time is no more than 600 Baht per year or
4. The right of the root of a tooth, artificial
5.Add in the event of mental disorder treatment
6. Add the value keep in case of disability once a month is not more than 2,000 Baht to 4,000 Baht.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..