European shares rallied and yields on euro zone government bonds tumbl การแปล - European shares rallied and yields on euro zone government bonds tumbl แอฟริกา วิธีการพูด

European shares rallied and yields

European shares rallied and yields on euro zone government bonds tumbled on Tuesday after the new Greek government dropped calls for a write-down on its foreign debt.

The euro also nudged higher but was overshadowed in currency markets by the Aussie dollar AUD=, which skidded after Australia unexpectedly cut interest rates.

In Athens, shares rose 9 percent, with the Greek banking index .FTATBNK up 17 percent. Spanish .IBEX and Italian .FTMIB stocks also outperformed as the pan-European FTSEurofirst 300 index .FTEU3 gained more than 1 percent to just below a seven-year high.

Wall Street looked set to open higher, according to stock index futures.

The new Greek government, led by the left-wing Syriza party that won elections just over a week ago, on Monday ditched calls for a reduction of foreign debt and proposed ending a standoff with its official creditors by swapping the debt for new growth-linked bonds.

Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis said after meeting investors in London on Monday that the government would spare privately held bonds from losses.

"The market is currently hoping that Greek negotiations of bailout terms will run quite smoothly. There are some signs that there might be a compromise in the making and there will not be any kind of default," Gerhard Schwarz, head of equity strategy at Baader Bank in Munich, said.

Earlier, Asian shares sagged on growth concerns. MSCI's broadest index of Asia-Pacific shares, excluding Japan .MIAPJ0000PUS, dipped 0.2 percent after weak U.S. data added to concerns about the state of the global economy. Japan's Nikkei .N225 closed down 1.3 percent.

In a brighter Europe, Greek bond yields fell sharply, with 10-year yields GR10YT=TWEB down nearly 115 basis points at 10.26 percent and ON TRACK for their biggest daily fall since December 2012.

Yields on other lower-rated euro zone government bonds also fell but so did those on German bonds, the bloc's benchmark. German 10-year yields DE10YT=TWEB dipped below those of Japan JP10YT=JBTC for the first time. [GVD/EUR]

Investors said Greece's plans, unveiled on Monday as Varoufakis toured European capitals in a diplomatic offensive to garner support as the government seeks to replace the country's EU/IMF bailout deal, appeared to offer the chance of compromise.

"The level of noise is actually coming down a bit and a bit more compromise (is) being shown on both sides," said Michael Krautzberger, head of European fixed income at BlackRock.

The Aussie dollar AUD= was the big mover in currency markets, tumbling to a near six-year low against the U.S. dollar after the Reserve Bank of Australia cut interest rates. The Aussie was last down 1.7 percent at $0.7666.

"It's a big move and I think any bounce should be sold into," said Graham Davidson, a spot trader with National Australia Bank in London.

The Norwegian crown hit a two-month high of 8.62 to the euro EURNOK= as oil prices rose.

Crude prices added to gains of more than 11 percent in the previous two sessions, after BP (BP.L) announced a 13 percent reduction in capital expenditure for 2015, adding to cuts in investment in the sector

"We've seen a lot of oil companies announce significant cuts in capacity expenditure and reductions in rig counts. What you're getting at the moment is a paring back of expectations as a result of the measures being taken," said Michael Hewson, chief market analyst at CMC Markets.

Oil prices had jumped in the past two days after data showed the number of U.S. oil drilling rigs had fallen the most in a week in nearly 30 years.

Brent crude futures LCOc1 were last up 2.7 percent at $56.21 a barrel.
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Europese aandele het en opbrengste op Euro Zone Staatseffekte getuimel op Dinsdag nadat die nuwe Griekse regering val oproepe vir 'n skryf-down op sy buitelandse skuld. Die Euro ook stamp Hoër maar is in valuta markte oorskadu deur die Aussie Dollar AUD =, wat gegly. Na Australië onverwags Sny Tariewe belang. In Athene, aandele het met 9 persent, met die Griekse bank indeks .FTATBNK tot 17 persent. .IBEX Spaans en Italiaans .FTMIB Die Pan-Europese aandele het ook beter gevaar as FTSEurofirst 300-indeks .FTEU3 het meer as 1 persent tot net onder 'n sewe-jaar High. Wall Street gekyk stel om oop te maak Hoër, volgens Stock indeks termynmark. Die Nuwe. Griekse regering, gelei deur die linkse Syriza party wat verkiesings net meer as 'n week gelede gewen het, het Maandag swot oproepe vir 'n vermindering van buitelandse skuld en voorgestelde beëindiging van 'n nekslag met sy amptelike krediteure deur die uitruiling van die skuld vir die nuwe groei-gekoppelde effekte. Minister van Finansies Yanis Varoufakis gesê ná 'n vergadering Beleggers in Londen op Maandag dat die regering sou Spaar privaat gehou Bonds van verliese. "Die mark is tans die hoop dat die Griekse onderhandelinge van bailout terme sal nogal 'n vlot verloop. Daar is 'n paar tekens dat daar dalk 'n kompromie wees. nie in die maak en sal daar wees om enige vorm van Standaard, "Gerhard Schwarz, Hoof van Equity strategie op Baader Bank in München, gesê. Vroeër, Asiatiese aandele sak op groei betref. MSCI se breedste indeks van Asië-Stille Oseaan-aandele, uitgesluit Japan .MIAPJ0000PUS, 0,2 persent gedoop nadat swak Amerikaanse data bygevoeg kommer oor die toestand van die globale ekonomie. Japan se Nikkei .N225 gesluit 1.3 persent. In 'n beter Europa, Griekse Bond opbrengste skerp gedaal, met 10 jaar opbrengste GR10YT = TWEB af Byna 115 basispunte op 10/26 persent en op pad na hul grootste dagblad daling sedert Desember 2012. Opbrengste op. ander laer-gegradeerde euro-sone staatseffekte het ook geval, maar so het die mense op die Duitse effekte, die blok se maatstaf. Duitse 10-jaar opbrengste DE10YT = TWEB gedoop laer as dié van Japan JP10YT = JBTC vir die eerste keer. [GVD / EUR] Beleggers sê Griekeland se planne onthul op Maandag As Varoufakis getoer Europese hoofstede in 'n diplomatieke offensief te Garner ondersteuning beskou as die Regering poog om die plek van die Land se EU / IMF bailout Deal, verskyn die kans van 'n kompromie aan te bied. "Die vlak. van Geraas is eintlik Kom 'n bietjie en 'n bietjie meer kompromie (is) word gewys op beide kante, "sê Michael Krautzberger, hoof van die Europese vaste inkomste by Black Rock. Die Aussie Dollar AUD = was die groot dryfkrag in valuta markte, tuimel te. 'n naby ses-jaar laagtepunt teenoor die Amerikaanse dollar nadat die Reserwebank van Australië rentekoerse. Die Aussie is verlede 1,7 persent aan $ 0,7666. "Dis 'n groot stap en ek dink enige Bounce verkoop moet word in '," sê Graham Davidson, 'n plek Trader met National Australia Bank in Londen. Die Noorse kroon getref 'n twee-maande-hoogtepunt van. As EURNOK = 8.62 teenoor die euro Rose oliepryse. oliepryse bygevoeg Winste van meer as 11 persent in die vorige twee sessies, Na BP (BP.L) aangekondig dat 'n 13 ​​persent vermindering in Kapitaalbesteding vir die 2015, en voeg by Sny in Investment. in die sektor "Ons het gesien hoe 'n baie olie maatskappye kondig aansienlike daling in uitgawes en verlagings in Kapasiteit Tel tuig. wat jy kry op die oomblik is 'n paring rug van verwagtinge as gevolg van die maatreëls wat geneem word," sê. Michael Hewson, hoof mark ontleder by CMC Markets. Olie pryse in die afgelope twee dae gespring het nadat die data het die getal van die Amerikaanse olie boor rigs geval het Die meeste in 'n week in byna 30 jaar. Brent Ru futures LCOc1 was Laaste up 2.7 persent. op $ 56,21 per vat.

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