In this cyber world Speed and convenience often comes before everything, always. Unlike the old days, people will take into account the environment than today. It allows the consumption habits of the people to be Fast. Because technology is constantly updated, not just consumption habits of people are changing. In a matter of minutes, it's a matter of time and convenience is a key factor in the current travel behavior change. Make everyone like to take a plane from the data shows that the environment and ecology of the world is changing and worse. Especially in various environmental conditions worse, obviously, be it water pollution. Waste or pollution, poaching, deforestation is hard, which directly impacts. However, air pollution, deforestation is not the only reason to make a change, but air. There are many factors that cause air pollution, particularly of the industry. Whether it is from the manufacturing industry, the automotive industry. Or the aeronautical industry All are factors that cause air pollution. For the aviation industry is regarded as the emission of carbon dioxide to high.
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