Chapter 9"Complaints," he said.Objectives.The company determines the basis of the complaints by the objective as follows:A. to strengthen relationships between employees with employee and/or employee with the company.ข. to reduce or eliminate various questions and issues can affect the performance of the entire employee morale and discouraged.C. to ensure that diagnosis matters throughout the disciplinary penalty consideration but rather plain with accuracy and precise fair.9.1 the scope and meaning of complaints Employees who feel that their own problems. There are about batkhong and others, or how the company's operations or bosses or colleagues by doing so as to infringe or breach of privacy as well as both unfair and batthi. Must be under the scope of management or the company's operating? An employee can complain to the company by way of procedural and according to the company, defined.9.2 methods and complaints procedures.G complaints before proceeding with the procedures prescribed by the company. Employees should be the basic consultation with bosses, as well as direct and straightforward first. Bosses everyone has the responsibility to provide vital problem of employees. No matter how big or small it is just whatever would try to fix them ASAP.ข. If an employee's problems have not been resolved at the time of the issue or problem that involves the direct bosses. Employees may complain to bosses in level one step above or at the personal Department.(C). Complaints may be made in writing by the clarification and information completely, or perhaps verbal complaint to make grievances the grievance, the employee who signed the complaint log.Discography. If the issue is grievances. Bosses who received it cannot be edited. Report: bosses, according to the higher hierarchy immediately.9.3 the investigation and consider grievances Recipients of the grievances must be in a hurry for carried out additional facts. Failed to query a particular person or a group of persons or a document confirming that those involved must cooperate and grievances, as well as perform Diagnostics or determine how and how long do these problems ASAP. Employees should be informed to determine within a period not exceeding 15 days after it has made a formal complaint.9.4 stop process grievances In the event that a complaint is not satisfied to consider the complaints people might propose 9.4 grievances to the Managing Director within the period of 7 days for informed consideration. The investigation of grievances, Managing Director, is considered final.9.5 complaints and protect those involved. The company treated employees who complain are those who need care and fairness, which the company will provide all the protection during the process of complaints. This is. Bosses of those complaints and related persons Will conform to and administered by the brighten the company will not remove an employee with the employee who has made a cause of grievance procedures and processes correctly.
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