Captain chatwan The platform gold with 11 days of a death. In Myanmar, publicly planning everything to survivor,. From the people who run news monitor for the case of Captain chatwan. The platform gold. Pilot, Thailand Captain Ong and wife. The pilot, Myanmar and Vanuatu Mr. Uche Yinthoki Hatu Foundation officials. The helicopter was travelling to send food supplies to the team search for student trips 2 people lost. When September 27, 2014, but then lack of contact until it found Mr. Uche Yinthoki and Captain chatwan in the end. Best Captain Ong and wife. Du died, as did the presentation of news. Today, (October 10, 2014), recent stories channel 3 this morning to convey the image of the captain, the first officer chatwan was found by Captain chatwan in languishing. Look skinny body. There is a full selection of countless wounds, which has now sent a captain chatwan to recuperate physical condition at the hospital in Yangon. If the body better, they will give back to the country of Thailand. All this. Captain chatwan who better, respectively, gave interviews to the SEC as the second death, he must be stuck in the jungle as long as 11 days to hear that ... It is not different with the dividing line between a death! After the accident, arriving about 3 days, which connect the pilot to Myanmar he injured the eye easily glide past difficult decisions that will have to change the plan, Myanmar is projecting outwards at pilot rock. The shady refuge because he continued to walk. Best to owner hatu traveled then they both travel through many, many days have not yet, but the journey was delayed because he was then told to continue the hatu, If they survive, they will be able to tell the villagers to help coordinate the lives ... "Now, we want to fly to Myanmar at the best bodies safe. He will be. We took a banana to the secondary. Remove plastic, set of dry food What did he eat without having to walk far if anyone encounters his glide will be saved because we prepare them all. Best we are going to die to remove the sword page. If we survive we cannot die, they think so. .. Everything is going according to plan, we placed. Now that we know who not to listen to the language, but communicate with "Captain chatwan said. The captain also told the pilot that must leave Myanmar alone if it must be conscious. We need a plan, don't mind the decision to say goodbye to each other, because they are the most difficult walk. Kom ngoei don't think he must be in animation that ning decided to best him in an overhanging rock, rocks. Waiting for someone to come help. "เราเดินจนหมดแรงผ่านไปกี่วันกี่คืนก็ไม่รู้ น้องอูที่เดินมาด้วยกันเขาเดินป่าเก่งมา แต่เขาต้องมาช้าเพราะเรา เดินไปแล้วก็กลับมารับเรา เดินไปสร้างแลนด์มาร์ก แล้วก็กลับมารับเราอีก เลยบอกกับเขาว่า ยูโกเถอะ ถ้ายูไปยูรอดนะ ถ้าเรานั้นตายยังไงน้องอูก็รอด จากนั้นน้องอูก็เดินไป ส่วนเรานั้นก็เดินไม่ไหวแล้ว ติดแหง็กอยู่ตรงหน้าผา ไม่รู้กี่โมงกี่ยาม พยายามนั่งนิ่ง ๆ เพราะไม่ไหวแล้ว สักพักก็เห็นชาวบ้าน เลยร้องสุดเสียง แต่ไม่รู้เขาได้ยินเราหรือเปล่า เราร้องไป วู้ว ๆ ๆ เขาก็ตอบกลับมาว่า วู้ว ๆ ๆ ในใจตอนนี้ก็คิดว่ารอดแล้ว... " กัปตันชัชวาล กล่าว After the captain found the villagers were told that it thinks are the villagers come alone but together they breakfast arrives, causing the fire, what's hot, what Mitsubishi water. Hot porridge, and joyful heart. In the most considerate of fellow human beings. The episode was the first meal eaten after 11 days, it is not to eat the most delicious come. .. it (tears to moisten). Captain chatwan told that the episode is in the forest. He encounters many forest animals. There is a slug into the Rouge anal mucus, attempting to command. Best to pick out a stream of water, eating only remove by. I make that move forward. Crack split feelings on conscious mind thinks through what to do to survive. Every breath thoughts.
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