Cherry shrimp, shrimp (dwarf shrimp) type which popular culture a lot of those popular pet aquarium plants. Or who are raising of shrimp Because the cherry shrimp are shrimps and simple colors and beautiful. A good tank mate can raise a flock. Character is not fierce, readily available, inexpensive too. Be useful to help reap moss like eclipsed the beautiful scenery of the cabinet. And the air in the house has moderate temperatures and the existence of a cherry shrimp About food, it does not matter much. Can eat food pellets of general nonspecific fixed to eat only fresh food. For all kinds of reasons to count a few of these. Make this kind of shrimp feed very popular in the city, another kind ofCommon name: Red Cherry Shrimp.Scientific name: Neocaridina denticulata sinensis (red).Name: Cherry ShrimpCherry shrimp are grown up about 2.5 cm or may be larger than this a little more. Can live in the water with the pH 6.6 - 7.0 as well, like water, weak acid, the temperature is between 25 - 28 degrees. But the summer hot water may be up to 30 degrees, but still remain. Cherry shrimp is called a shrimp can adapt well one. Usually the shepherd general often use small fan blowing down the surface of the water. Which can make the water temperature in the cabinet fell about 1-2 degrees. This is a shrimp shrimp Taiwanese cross breed and later result into Thailand.The color of the cherry shrimp tend to fluctuate, depending on many factors, such as mood state of water, food and temperature. When the shrimp are the change of address, handling, or after the trip, its color will weaken. The shrimp at a young age will be light to take, in which he will develop colors in itself. When the shrimp to shrimp breeding females carry eggs or a crimson up prominently, but inbreeding often makes the shrimp are lighter colors. And weak is easy the leads they tried shrimp breeding Select parent to each line To develop the breed and help shrimp generations to.
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