AFP-British nationality, a young mother who brought her infant child travel to Syria and joined the group. The "Islamic State" () was a court sentenced 6 years imprisonment on Monday (1 Feb) count as a woman Dan phudi AIS Member, which is the first person convicted offender database after travelling back home. REE na lash killer tea. Age 26 years, was in the Court of first instance, the city of Birmingham. Central part of the County actually condemn the British base is a member of the AIS, including dealing with encouraging terrorism. By posting messages on the Twitter social media many times. Before her departure from England. "You realize as well that future which you define, deploy, give it to your son. There are too many possibilities that will be clear after brain and life, then it must be a terrorist fighter "judge Melbourne Wi man. Specified in the decision. During the trial. The Court hear that tea has become a killer idea up because of intense communication, online, and in October 2014 have told her family that she was going to travel to Turkey to relax on the beaches of the country. But, in fact, She has crossed the border into Syria, and traveled to the city to rock steady, which is ko, the most important of the AIS group. "I come from to build a home in heaven, unto us all. Allah will give us in heaven. If we sacrifice our life, the world, "she wrote in a message sent to one of the people at that time, relatives and announced that" I will not come back again. "
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